Chapter one: The letter

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I woke up on the straw pile my father called a bed with the sun just now faintly starting to show behind the Everton mountains. I sat up and stretched before walking over to the lone dresser that sat alone in my room and grabbed my clothes out for the day. A worn dress that was baby blue and white. I grabbed the brush from the top of the dresser and ran it through my chestnut brown hair before walking over to my sister and nudging her awake. Her see green eyes that mimicked mine slowly opened before see sat up and gave me a side hug.
" good morning Haden." She said skipping over the the dresser and grabbing her clothes for the day
"Well someone's happy today I see." I said giving a small laugh.
" oh shush, I just have a feeling that today is going to be a good day." Lilly replied brushing through her hair. I shook my head and walked out of our small room and down stairs to see me father passed out at the kitchen table a beer bottle in hand. My father always was drinking always at the town tavern and always coming home yelling at me and Lilly for ruining his life. My mother got sick after I was born so my father hated me he got mad at my sister becuase she was a mistake and that he didn't want another spoiled brat like me. He grunted and I ran back upsairs grabbing my sisters hand and rushed out the back door to the garden. As the sun rose over the mountains we worked weeding seeding and watering all of our crops and plants.
" excuse me is this the woods family?" I heard a voice. I turned and looked at a young man maybe 25 or so with a letter in hand.
"Yes in the oldest daughter Haden may I help you" I asked setting my basket down beside me
" this is for you." He said handing me the letter. I found it odd that we got a letter becuase we never got mail until I read the address from where it had come from. I heard Lilly sequel from behind and grab the letter from my hand as she ran back to the house to show our mother knowing she would love to hear from her sister agian. I quickly followed Lilly back to the house up to my mother room.
"Mom look it's from aunt lilla it's a letter!" I heard my sister say as I walked up the stairs to my parents room when I was billionth pulled back by my hair and fell down the stairs I screamed as I saw my father coming back down the stairs anger written one his face. I prepared self for the smack I would receive when I heard my brothers voice.
"Father don't, leave her alone she didn't do anything wrong. Mother wants you. " I heard John say my eyes still glued shut. After I knew for sure my father was gone I slowly opened my eyes to see my brothers blue eyes looking into my sea green eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asked giving me his Hand and pulling me up. I just shock me head and took a deep breath. We both headed upstairs to my mothers room.
" there going William weather you like it or not it's a good experience for them. " my mother said to my father as we both walked into the room. I looked over to Lilly and ran over to me hugging my side. I picked her up and held her close to me as y parents continued to argue.
"Fine they'll go! Does that make you happy huh does it?" My father slammed the door and went downstairs we heard the front door slam before Lilly broke the silence.
" we can go?! She asked excitedly
"Yes dear you can go all of you can, go get your stuff packed you'll be leaving in the morning." My mother said. Lilly grabbed my arm and pulled me to our bedroom were she grabbed her bag I had made her and mine that I had made myself. She eagerly stuffed the little clothes she had into her bag not caring if they were folded or not and them grabbed mine stuffing them into the bag and jumping around stating everything he knew about balls and how excited she was to go and see our and who we haven't. Seen in years. Lilly kept jumping around as I grabbed the stuff out of the bags and started to neatly fold the clothes into the bag. After everything was packed Lilly agian pulled me out to the stables where our horses were. Lilly ran over to her brown and white painted horse and started to rub in between his eyes on the bridge of his nose before brushing his coat and cleaning him up. I went to my white stallion Argo and started to clean his fur and brush out the dust and dirt Lilly still blabbing on. We continued to clean our horses talking about what the ball would be like and how much we missed our aunt. That night my father wasn't home and my brother was running late from his trip to the village so I made dinner for Lilly me and my mother a simple chicken broth soup. Lilly was so happy jumping around and not being quite I couldn't help but laugh at her. She's never been this full of energy and it radiated throughout the house and made everyone else happy. When I finally got Lilly to bed it was late and I guickly fell asleep after I knew both her and my mother where ok.

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