Chapter thirteen: The caranation ball

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The few servants who were out and about saw me and bowed. I blushed slightly at the generosity before saying that a bow was not needed. Some looked shock while others smiled and walked off. Something was definitely weird here. We walked into the ball room and my name was announced though no one could here it over the load music and laughter. I walked down the stairs and took a seat as I watched everyone else dance and listened to the people to be announced.
" may I please present his royal majesty king Marcus the third, her royal majesty queen Annika, the royal highness's princess Victoria and princess Samantha and finally the royal highness Prince Jacob the air to the throne and your soon to be king. " an announcer said as loudly as he could while trumpets played. We all stood up and clapped our hands as the Royal family descended the staircase. The twins where dressed in the same style of dress just different colors. Samantha in pink was at the front of the line looking like she was holding in her excitement. Behind her was Victoria in green who seemed to be looking for someone holding hands with Jacob who was dressed in a white suit. Sword at his side and royal blue sash he also seemed to be looking for someone. After them was the king and queen walking down arm and arm. I smiled and sat back down towards the back where I would be harder to be seen. I watched people dance and laughed through song after song.


From the moment I walked into the ball room I had been looking for her. I hadn't seen Haden since my father pulled her away when I was chasing her in the garden. I had gotten a long lecture about that. Apparently they had found out about Haden's family and her aunt would pick her up and take her home after this ball and tomorrow's cooranation. I would loose her forever. I walked around aimlessly looking for her with Victoria by my side.
" I found her look Jacob!" Victoria said pulling in the direction of the chairs. There in the back corner sat Haden in a stunning royal blue gown and silver diamonds. We walked around to the other end behind Haden and Victoria tapped her on the shoulder. Haden turned around and before she knew it Victoria was in her lap giving her a hug and saying how much she missed her. I smiled and Haden looked up at me her sea green eyes sparkling in the light. Once Victoria had calmed down she dragged Haden to the dance floor before I had a chance to ask her to dance myself. I chuckled and went to sit by my mother and father. As I sat down my father gave me a glare as if to ask what the hell are you doing up here go find ur wife NOW! My mother just smiled and slipped something into my pocket before coming up to my ear and wispering.
" go make her stay son." And kissing my on the cheek. I put my hand in my pocket and took out the object my mother had placed in there. By just feeling it I knew what it was. I smiled and walked back

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