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I was sleeping in my cage when I heard someone talking. "-I think the boss was planning on euthanizing her because of it,".

I weakly lifted my head and started to mew feeling my stomach growl.

"And it looks like it's time to feed her," the abnormally chipper woman who worked in the front said.

A new scent filled my nose, leather and vanilla I think. Definitely leather.

The woman opened my cage and picked me up, making sure to support all of my little body.

The door opened and closed in the other room, "Do you mind feeding her while I go help whoever just came in?"

The blonde haired man shook his head and held out his hands, "No not at all,".

The woman handed me to the man, she made sure that he was holding me correctly before giving him the basics on how to feed me before she jogged off to tend to customers.

The man smiled at me, gently rubbing his finger under my jaw, "Hi little guy," he cooed at me.

I mewed as my stomach vibrated and growled louder than it had before.

"Someone's hungry," he seemed to tease me before he grabbed the little bottle and put the bit in my mouth.

I greedily lapped at the milk coming from the bottle.

The man smiled at me as I ate the entire bottle, the woman still hasn't come back so he continued to pet and 'play' with me.

I heard the door open and the woman said, "I see you're getting along with her,".

He looked up at her and smiled, "Can I take her? I think he'd enjoy her a lot,".

The woman smiled and eagerly nodding, "You can put her back while you fill out the paper work and I'll give you a list of what all you need for her,".

I felt myself being placed back on the plain white towel. I crawled back over to the corner to go back to sleep, and wait for the man to finish the paperwork for me to go to my new home.
After about twenty minutes, the man came back holding a small kennel.

He opened my cage and picked me up gently, placing me in the back of the cage, which had a blanket in it, then closing the squeaky door.

He brought out his phone and texted someone before putting it back in his pocket and picking up the kennel heading out the doors and into the parking lot.

He put my kennel on the floor of the passenger side of the car and started up the car before driving off.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now