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I woke up the next day on the bed. curled up into Bucky's stomach.

Steve was up and dressed, gently shaking Bucky's shoulder, "Come on we have to take Angel to the vet," he told him.

Bucky groaned, rolling onto his back before getting up.

I feigned sleep until Bucky picked me up, heading to the elevator.

When the doors opened I saw the garage.

Steve got into the drivers side of the car that he'd driven me here in, Bucky hopped into the passenger side.

I was sitting on Bucky's lap with my paw on the window, watching the buildings and other cars fly by in awe.

Steve turned on the radio and said, "Natasha said that we should listen to popular music of this century while we're in the car,".

Bucky glanced over and listened quietly.

The little strip that told you what time it is and what we're listening to said that it was 'Stand By You' by someone called Rachel Platten.

I sensed that Bucky was getting sad, so I turned and put my paw on his stomach. I looked up at him with the tip of my tongue sticking out.

He looked down at me, giving a small chuckle. 

Steve glanced over at me laughing a little too.
After a few minutes, the car stopped.

I stopped staring at Bucky to look out the window.

Bucky picked me up, opening the door and starting to walk up a few steps into a building.

It was really cold inside, I mewed in protest, curling up closer to Bucky.

Steve went to the front desk and started talking to the lady behind the desk.

Then it hit me, this looked like the shelter they got me from... Did they not want me?

I started to cry digging my claws into Bucky's shirt.

Bucky winced and started to try to pry me off his shirt.

Steve turned around, looking at Bucky with a confused look.

Bucky shrugged and mouthed, "I don't know," over my wailing.

Bucky eventually resulted to putting a hand over my mouth, muffling the sound of my cries.

A woman walked from down the hall and said my name.

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