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After another episode, Steve came in and picked me up.

Bucky sat up to let Steve sit before laying back down.

Steve put me back on Bucky's back before looking at the TV, "Why are we watching this?"

Bucky turned his head so his face was pressing into Steve's stomach, "Because Angel likes it and it keeps her quiet,".

Steve scoffed, "So if I changed it she'd start crying?"

Bucky nodded his head.

Steve decided to test it, he changed the channel to the news.

I started meowing loudly, wanting him to change it back.

He didn't; so, I got up from my spot and crawled up his shoulder mewing louder until I practically screeching in his ear.

When that had no affect, I bit his ear lobe.

Steve cried out in shock before changing the channel back.

I jumped back on Bucky's back, who glanced up at Steve, "I told you so,".

When I got comfortable again, I continued to watch my show quietly.

After a few minutes, JARVIS disturbed the silence, "Director Fury requests you to suit up and return to the meeting room, both of you,".

Steve and Bucky looked at the ceiling before glancing at each other. They both let out heavy sighs before they went into the elevator to change.

I watched them go with a small mew before going back to my show.
   They didn't come back that day, or the next, or the next.

I was miserable and refused to eat anything.

Natasha had eventually taken me to Bruce to see if he could do anything. 

He came to the conclusion that I had severe separation anxiety.

I heard Natasha say that they were coming back tomorrow.

I looked up at her with big kitten eyes.

She continued to try to get me to eat something. She set me in front of the food bowl and tried to make me eat a piece of my food. She even tried to force it in my mouth.

After a few hours I heard the door open, "Angel? Where you at?" It was Bucky.

I squirmed out of Natasha's grip and hobbled over as fast as I could.

He picked me up and said, "Has she been eating? She feels lighter,".

Bucky handed me to Steve, who agreed, and gave me back to Bucky.

I was purring loudly.

Natasha shook her head, "She won't, she hasn't eaten since you left. I took her to Bruce and he says she has severe separation anxiety,".

Bucky flipped me onto my back and started to pet my belly, "My poor baby, let's get you something to eat,".

They all went into the kitchen.

Bucky put me on the floor in front of the food bowl, I started crunching away on the food.

"I give up," Natasha declared, throwing her arms in the air leaving the room.

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