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Bucky walked up to the mat and picked me off his head and place some gently on the floor. He scratched behind my ears before giving me a light shove, telling me to go play.

I meowed before running over to Pietro and latching myself onto his leg, claws extended and I bit his pants.

He frowned and stopped what he was doing, looking down at me frowning, "Hey, there is no need to be violent little one," his accent coming on heavy as he picked me up.

He put me on the table and picked up the tablet and started working on it again.

After a few moments of watching Bucky spar with Steve, Natasha sparring with Clint and Pietro was doing... Something.

I got bored.

I walked to the edge of the table and crouched, wiggling my haunches as I launched myself onto Pietro.

Much to his shock I ran into the tablet and he dropped it on the floor. He caught me before I did and he put me back on the table, frowning at me as he picked up the now broken tablet.

He sighed and looked at Bucky who had just pinned Steve to the mat.

"She broke Tony's tablet," he complained to them.

Steve looked over with a raised eyebrow, "Tony can just buy another,".

Pietro looked at the ceiling before saying, "But now I have to listen to him complain about it!"

I meowed and booped his nose, he couldn't help but chuckle at my adorableness.

He put me back on the floor and I ran over to Natasha and Clint.

Clint was about to pin Natasha, so I launched myself onto his leg and bit down pretty hard for my size.

Much to his shock he let go of Natasha and cried out in shock, "Angel!" He scolded.

Natasha took the opportunity and grabbed his arm, flipping him over her back before she pinned him to the mat.

I let go and ran to Bucky as Clint went to chase me.

Bucky was sitting at the table talking to Pietro with Steve on his lap, none of them noticing what I had done to Clint.

Bucky picked me up and put me on Steve's lap, where I started to purr as Steve scratched my jaw and behind my ear.

Clint stalked up to Bucky and started complaining about me.

Bucky simply raised an eyebrow and smirked, "So you're saying that a kitten beat you up? Need to step up your game Clint,".

As Clint stalked off Pietro, Steve, and Bucky started laughing and I mewed trying to be involved.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now