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After Bucky had made himself another sandwich and finished his lunch, he left the kitchen and went back to his shared floor. He flopped on the couch and I jumped off his shoulder before he landed so I wasn't squished. He moved his face so his chin was against the couch as he looked at me," Are you hungry?" He asked me. I hopped over to him and laid down with my back under his nose. All three of my paws were hidden under me. It was funny to watch him try to see me, he ended up going cross eyed. Mewing I turned my head and licked the side of his nose. He pushed himself up in a push-up position so he could sit up and he picked me up before laying on his back and putting me on his stomach as he pulled a blanket that was thrown over the back of the couch over him. I felt as Bucky's breaths evened out, signaling he was asleep so I curled up on his chest and drifted off to take a nap as well.
A few hours later I was woken up by Steve, who had just entered the floor and was silently laughing at Bucky and I. I blinked as I glared at Steve before I hissed at him and growled loud enough for him to hear me. He stared at me in shock before he walked past and went into his room. Bucky shifted beneath me and I felt his breaths change telling me he had woken up. He sat up causing me to roll down his chest, much to my dislike, he picked me up when he realized it was dark out and went to his shares room and flopped on the bed beside Steve, crawling under the comforter with me between the two as the two of them went to sleep. I followed suit a few minutes after with a happy purr at the warmth.

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