Chapter 4: I was in a room, alone, waiting for a boy to return.

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Philotes~ Goddess of friendship and affection.

"Greek mythology."
I looked up too see baby blue eyes and perky small lips which turned into a smile.
"I'm Noah David's," she whispered. Why was she whispering? Oh, Dummy! We're in the library. I guess I've been silent for so long that I forgot. "I'm Lex Cooper." Noah nodded, "I know. Most people know!" I frowned at her odd comment. "Well aren't you rooming with Blake Anderson?" She didn't even give me a chance to reply. She just continued, "Well he's the hottest, richest guy in university. Every girl is after him so I'm guessing you're gonna have your hands full."

"Well that shouldn't be a problem. We barely speak and I think he's an egotistical idiot." She giggle and said, "Well damn me, that's a first."

We continued chatting and I learnt a great deal. That Noah is a border from London, that we have Math and English together and our birthdays are exactly a month apart.
Oh one more thing, she's also crazy for Blake. We exchanged numbers and parted ways after being told that the library was about to close. It being two o'clock I decided go to the cafe on campus and grab something to eat.

For the first time, while sitting and waiting for my order, I noticed everything around me. The girls dressed with short skirts or tight jeans that showed everything, boys were all in untidy hairdos and 'bad boy' attire. What was this world coming to? Where was the pride, innocence... dignity.

I was so lost in thought that it took me by surprise to register that strawberry milkshake was dripping from my hair onto my face. Next to me with a smirk plastered on her face stood a skinny, bitchy looking female specimen.

"Gosh, I seem to have dropped something but it surely landed on the trash," she giggled and so did two other girls that were with her. I looked around to see some people laughing and others looked at me with sympathy.

I glared at the blond but before the tears could reach my eyes I grabbed my bag, a tissue and left. I walked to the dorm wiping myself on the way.

Blake just walked out of the shower with only a towel and looked at me blankly. I had tears all over my face, red cheeks and puffy eyes.
"Are you okay?" I nodded as I rolled my eyes. "I'm just being dramatic," I said with a fake smile. He looked worried as he gave a slight nod and went to his room. I was so confused.

I put together a comfy plain outfit, I do own fashionable clothes which I choose not to wear, and went to bath. I stood under the shower for about fifteen minutes massaging my head. With all that crying I developed a small headache.

When I came out of the bathroom there was another guy in the dorm. He was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone. "Hi I'm Caleb Jackson."
I smile as I introduced, "Lex Cooper." My second introduction for the day. "You know what?" I remained silent. "You're actually really cute." I could feel my cheeks heat up as I looked at the floor.

"Leave her alone Cal," Blake spoke as he walked out of his room. He was dressed in a black skinny jeans, with a dark blue t-shirt and matching blue hi-tops. His hair was messy and spiked to one side. For the first time I noticed Caleb was dressed similar. They must be going for a party. "I'm just having some fun dude... plus she looks even more cute when she blushes." He winked at me. Blake stared at me. It was that kind of look one couldn't read. I cleared my throat because I felt like I was choking up.

"You can stay in tonight if you want."

"But the..." He cut me off, "Forget the rules for today." I looked at the floor once more and then went to my room. I could hear them mumbling stuff then shortly after they left.

Around half past seven I got a call from Noah saying that she's coming over so I got out of bed and waited for her.

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