Chapter 11: "I'd stick around for you."

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That day when I got back to the dorm Blake didn't even look anywhere near my direction and completely ignored me for the next six days. Then on Saturday morning a packaging came for me so I was at the main floor of our dorm at 5:18 in the morning. I groaned as I looked at all the stairs I had to walk back up. "I knew you were lazy," Blake smirked at my side. I smiled a full on teeth showing smile and he arched his one eyebrow at me in the cute way he does. "You are talking to me again," I answered his silent question as I held the smile on my face. He chuckled at me. "Oh, it was only that. I thought I had something on my face." Then I giggled. I giggled! Blake Anderson what the fuck are you doing to me?
"Well I would of smiled at that too." He took the box, that was big but light, from me and started up the stairs and I let out an audible groan as I followed.

I opened the door and we both went in. "What is this?" Blake questioned. "So inquisitive. It's my new pair of glasses and contact lenses." I took the box from him and went to my room.
A few minutes later I could hear him fidgeting in the kitchen so I went and stood behind him placing my hands on his back. I could see his smirk even though he didn't look up and continued cooking. "What's for lunch?" But the smell of bacon gave me my answer. He scooped the fried pieces onto two plates and began frying two eggs. "Are you ignoring me again?" I asked but was answered by silence. It hurt. I don't know why but it really did hurt. I walked away into the lounge and plopped myself on the couch. There was a knock on the door and I went to open. "Oh, hello Alexia." Not again... Wait up. Alexia! How did the freaking blond bitchy specimen know my full name. "What did you just call me?"

"Alexia, isn't that your name. Alexia Cooper the daughter off druggie slash singer Jane-Alexia Cooper." I was so ready to slam the door shut on her face but Blake came and stood behind me placing his hand over mine, that was holding the door, and rubbed it soothingly. "Mel, I think you were about to leave," he muttered clearly annoyed with her too. She huffed and walked away. Blake pulled my hand off the door and to his lips planting a small kiss then with his free hand he closed the door. He looked down at me and offered a gentle smile. "Let's eat."
Even food couldn't get my mind of what happened today. How could she possibly have known that? "I'm not going to ask you if you are okay because I know you are not so instead, do you want to talk about it?" I couldn't look at Blake. I was afraid if I did then he would see right through me but then maybe he will know the real me. Maybe everyone will know the real me.

"My mother left when I was six. Her non-existent career was more important so she decided to leave everything she had. It wasn't much but at the time we were a happy family until that wasn't good enough for her. My dad tried everything he could to make her happy but there is only so much you can do to help someone that doesn't want to help themself." I paused to catch my breath and hold back the threatening tears. "She wasn't happy so to numb and block out everything, us, she started using drugs. That was the final thing that set my father off so he looked to me, with a silent question, then to her and asked me if that was what I wanted, he said that he'd do anything to protect me." I wiped my untamed tears. "So I told her to leave." We then sat in silence for a little while. "She never looked back," I whisphered low. I thought I only heard myself then startlingly Blake sat closer to me and wrapped his arms around me gently pulling me into his embrace. I sobbed on his shoulder and I could feel that he wasn't uncomfortable. He understood my pain. It wasn't the same as his but it was understandable.

When I collected myself I moved away from Blake and whisphered, "Life is about choices. She made hers and I made mine." He smiled clearly showing he was impressed by my emotional strength. I just wish I felt as strong as I sounded.

We ate in silence but slowly I regained myself after thinking about why I did what I did. I was only six years old but something like that stays with a person for life.

"Lets go somewhere?" I pleaded with Blake. "I thought one of my rules, well my only rule, was for you to stay out of my room." I smirked at him. "I'm feeling a bit rebellious today." And I stepped more in his room. "Stop being so damn cute or I'm..."
"You're going to do what?" I questioned then bit my lip as I waited for him to answer. Then suddenly Blake woke up from his bed, wrapped his arms around my waist, hoisted me up, walked over to the bed then threw me on it and landed himself gentally on top off me. "Don't ever tease me Lexi. I can be the big bad wolf." I wrapped my hands around his neck and smirked. Why was I behaving so flirtatious? This isn't me. Wasn't! Lex, now you are changing. Blake is changing you and you like it, my conscious spoke. "Maybe I want you to be bad," I spoke. I pulled his head down so I could kiss him but he pulled it back. "No, Lexi." I frowned in confusion. "Not until you're mine," he explained. His? What does he mean by his?
"Meaning," I urged him on.

He leaned in bringing his lips to my ears. He was so close that his warm breath was hitting the tips of my ear sending shivers down my spine. "I'd stick around for you." I would of jerked myself away in shock if I could but Blake had me pinned down. "I suddenly want to be alone." He looked confused but still rolled of me. I got up off the bed then went into my room and shut the door

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