Chapter 4

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<Not Edited>


~A month later~

I place my hand in my mamas' frail palms giving them a little squeeze. "Ciao, mamma, sono io, Romy." I announced softly. (Hello mom, it's me, Romy.)

Her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Roman, Il mio bambino sei venuto a trovarmi." She said with a bright smile. "What took you so long!" (My baby you came to visit)

"All that matters is I'm here now." I said giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

"So where is she, figlio?" She asked suddenly.

I raised an eyebrow.
"Who?" I questioned, puzzled.

"Your fiancée." She said suspiciously. "You told me you were going to bring her next time you visit." She reminded, frowning.

Damn. I forgot about that.

I laughed nervously. "She is out making last minute plans for mamma." I lied, making up an excuse.

My mom was forced to marry my now dead father, and let's say that relationship was a match made by the devil personally. She still has scars scattered over her skin.

However she wanted me to find love in my own, which definitely isn't going to happen since I've found no-one.

Her face lit up again. "Really! I can't wait to meet her." She effused excitedly. "When's the wedding?"

I pause a minute to think. "Next week Saturday?" I stated, sound more like a question than an answer. "I'm going to get you out for a day just so you can experience my wedding with me."

I've never seen my mother smile this much since she was diagnosed.

If anything my mother is the I'll never take advantage of.

She's said to only had six months to a year before she dies, and I'm going to make sure her dying wish comes true.

To see her only child walk down the aisle and have a baby, before she dies. One of those wishes I will make true.

We talked for a few more hours before I had to leave and set this plan into action. "I have to go mama I'll be back soon. Business calls." I told her, getting up from the seat. I placed a gently kissed on her forehead and backed away toward the door.

She nodded her understandingly and weakly waved my good bye.

"Leon get Mr. Rose on the phone I have a proposition for him."


I woke up with an un-ignorable feeling in my stomach. I quickly got off Miah's lap and ran towards to bathroom as fast as I could.

Thankfully I just about made it to the toilet before the warm putrid feeling rising up my throat emptied it self out.

Miah held my hair back as tons and tons acidic liquid left my mouth.

The tingling yet almost burning sensation left in the throat and mouth after a chocking up the last amount of liquid my body could find.

I slumped myself onto the ground holding my stomach. "Damn babe, this stomach flu is really getting to isn't it. You've been sick for almost a week now." Miah said playing with my hair as I laid on her lap.

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