Chapter 17

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For the fifth time for the day I heard I could hear the scraping metal legs of the the chair against the floor. I was moved to a private four by six cell with no explanation and was curious as to why.

I sighed and rolled my eyes knowing the strange man know as the leader of the freyoic gang was sitting there staring at me from across the room. Even though I couldn't see him I good feel the constant glare on my skin. "Hello again Thailynn." He started, clearing his throat. "Have you had time to guess who I am or was?" He asked, with hope laced in his voice. Each time he visited me he would ask that question with no hint or even glimpse of his face. How the hell was I suppose to know.

I closed my eye, not that it made a difference since the room was pitch black, refusing to play along with his sick game.

I heard shuffling from the the side of the room causing me to turn my body to face the wall. A bright light flashed against my closed causing me to squint my eyes tighter and brush the source of the light away. "Face me and open your eyes or I'm going to have to get a little physical." He threatened, standing over me.

Reluctantly I did what I was told and ended up staring into familiar emotionless eyes. The answer to who he is was at the tip he of my tongue but it wasn't coming out. "Oh damn. The guard really did a number and on you. You looked so bruised." He said, inspecting my face with his fingers. "But that's okay I made sure to torture him before killing him for you." I kept quiet and continued to stare with blank face.

His stoic face turned into happy as he plastered a smile on his face and stopped poking me. "Come on you must remember me it's only been fifteen years." He coaxed rubbing my arm, causing me to shift away to avoid his touch.

I should probably say yes because of the crazed look in his eye but I shook my head no making him pout. He placed his hand on his chest where his heart and frown. "I'm hurt you don't remember your big brother." He sniffled in fake despair.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What kind of sick joke is this. "I don't know what your talking about my brother died." I chastised, clenching my fist. Memories of my older brother flooded my mind causing tears to rim around my eyes. My mom use to show me homemade videos she took of us, which I watch constantly throughout the years.

He huffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah because that's what your father wants you to believe." He chided. "You were always to blind to see what's right in front of you. I mean look at you." He shouted standing up straight making me cower away. "You're fucking the the Italian don because the fuckers we call parents decided to gamble all their money and our lives away." He yelled, shaking harshly. "That piece of shit you called a father sold me to fucking pedophiles with not even a second thought."

I shook my head refusing to believe him. "You're lying. Your not my brother. My brother died in a car crash when I was five."

He scoffed. "Let me tell you a little story my baby sister about my supposedly last day on the earth that revolves around the devil our father." He said, sitting back down on his chair. "Once upon a time there was a father that had a gambling addiction and lost $1 million while illegally making bets in an under betting station."

Chris had been inebriated every day of his life for the past twenty years or so. He had been fired from countless jobs, but was now getting better at hiding his bad habit of non stop drinking. His mind was doing everything but thinking straight as he placed his car down as a bet since he had no more money left.

He wanted to start his own dojo and he will be damned if he lost and couldn't get the money from this game since the bank refused to give him a loan- he had a credit score of 82 so it wasn't surprising. He had a gambling and drinking problem so he went through his money like water on most days.

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