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Olivia looked at her reflection in the mirror for the fifth time and decided that this was as good as it was going to get. Her brunette hair which ended at her lower back was naturally curled at the bottom, her hazel eyes were framed with a thin coat of eyeliner whilst her 5'3, slightly curvy frame was clad in gray trousers, a white blouse, and a gray coat. Very professional indeed, Olivia applauded herself. It was her second week at her father's office as an intern for work experience and she had tried to uphold a mature and confident image even though she possessed anything but those characteristics. 

She sighed in frustration as she began thinking about the man she had tried to do all this for, her father's boss! Deep within her heart, she knew that a man like him would never even look in her direction but she liked to humour herself with the notion that he was indeed attracted to her. An image of his strong, brawny arms around her petite waist crossed Olivia's mind instantly causing a rush of warmth to swarm across her veins. 

She recalled her first day in the office when she had met Alexander Sirius for the first time. His jet-black hair fell down on his forehead, giving him a sexy/dishevelled look, his ocean blue eyes had pierced right into Olivia's making her think that he could stare into her soul and his body was the epitome of perfection; with a muscular and tall frame he was absolutely delicious. 

Initially, when they first laid eyes upon one another they had not spoken a word as if they were in a trance but then Olivia's father had interrupted their moment and gone onto introducing his daughter to his boss which resulted in Alexander throwing a harsh glare at her father before strolling away.

Since then the both of them hadn't talked to one another but occasionally Olivia could feel the heaviness of his gaze behind her back and it sent pleasured shivers down her spine, oh how she craved his attention. She looked at her reflection one last time before running down the stairs of her two-story house to enter the living room in which her father, Mathew Colton awaited her arrival. "Let's go, Olivia," he beckoned her over and she obediently followed as she was perpetually branded as the obedient daughter.

Both father and daughter were about to depart when Olivia's frantic mother, Nancy Colton came running out of the kitchen. "Here, don't forget to eat this Olivia," she murmured before handing Olivia a sandwich and kissing her husband on the cheek, wishing them both goodbye.

The car ride was silent and Olivia imagined how her life would've been different if she wasn't an only child but nonetheless she was born into a family without children and she couldn't do anything about; it would've been nice to have someone to share all my problems with though, mayhap she could've even discussed her weird obsession with her father's boss with an older sister and gotten some perspective or help to move on with her life, she thought dejectedly howbeit  in a matter of minutes, they arrived at the huge 'Sirius' building which Olivia had begun to get accustomed to. The duo entered the building and subsequently headed to their own respective working areas. 

On her first day, Olivia had been appointed to work on the lowest floor of the company, helping the aged receptionist but oddly enough, by her second day she had been moved to the top floor on which only the mysterious Alexander resided so she was stuck running errands for the man she desperately tried to avoid in order to diminish her formidable desire for him but alas fate seemed to be against her.

She proceeded about the morning, as usual, arranging a few files here and there, copying some important documents and then finally the clock struck twelve. The time when brooding brute liked his coffee at. Olivia rushed to his personal kitchen and began preparing his strong, black coffee. She laughed a little when she realized how similar the coffee was to his dark aura. She finished making the coffee and headed to his cabin, she could feel her lower abdomen fill with warmth once she settled outside his door. He was only a few footsteps away yet he felt oh so far she thought begrudgingly before knocking on his door.

"Come in!" his gruff voice ordered simultaneously making Olivia want to moan out of pleasure. She composed herself before walking in.

"Good morning sir," she murmured and she could almost swear she heard him groan.

She placed his coffee on his desk without taking a single glance towards him and began walking out but his robust-toned demand stunned her, "I have an offer for you Miss Colton, why don't you take a seat," 

She blinked a few times before turning around and facing him, finally taking a look at his gorgeous face. This is why I didn't want to look at him, her subconscious whined. There he stood in all his glory, his hair gelled back whilst his eyes danced with mischieve, giving him a boyish look which made him surprisingly even more attractive if that was possible and his mouthwatering body was clothed in a tight-fitting light blue suit which complimented his eyes very well. 

Olivia could feel her legs almost about to give in because of his god-like appearance so she hurried to the chairs in front of his desk and planted herself firmly atop it. "Yes sir?" she asked hesitantly.

"I believe that you are aware of the predicament that we both are in, correct?" he inquired, being vague as always.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," she whispered, her heartbeat erratic.

He began taking slow steps towards Olivia and once he was right before her he kneeled down to level his face with her's. "I know you feel the tension between the both of us so don't act so oblivious little girl!" he growled out before grabbing the back of her neck in a firm hold, causing warmth to course through her body. She could feel herself begin to get excited and she tried ever so hard trying to calm herself down.

"So I just have one question," he mumbled whilst planting an open mouth kiss on the base of her neck subsequently deriving a moan from her mouth, "I will be kissing you now," he demanded rather than asking like he had intended to do and she couldn't help but nod 'yes' eagerly in reply. 

As soon as she approved he crashed his lips onto hers in a steamy kiss which consumed both of them in an arduous passion that none of them had ever experienced before. His mouth nipped and lapped over her full lips until she finally allowed him inside, letting him taste the heavenly flavor she had to offer. His tongue caressed her's and she couldn't help but release the string of moans that bubbled up within her.

Things began to get heated but he stopped her and moved back, "I would love to take you right here and now but I don't want our first time to be in my office. Leave my office for now and continue your work, I will let you know what happens from here sometime later," he exclaimed with a dire need to consume her mantling him. 

Olivia responded with a meek 'okay' before scurrying out of his office. One part of her was glad that he stopped them from proceeding further as she wanted her first time to be magical but another part of her, the dark one wanted so badly to rush back into his office and force herself upon the beast who was extremely talented with his tongue, it made her wonder about what else he could do with other parts of his delicious body. 

As this idea materialized into her mind she realized another thing, Alexander had no clue that she was a virgin! Would he reject me for lack of experience? She thought dejectedly. Her mind began conjuring up images of him discarding his proposition because of the fact of her being a virgin and she couldn't stop the dark, metaphorical cloud of gloom that settled above her. She had never been so attracted to a man before and she certainly didn't want to lose him, not when she just got him.

He paced around in his office, he had no clue why but since the day Olivia Colton walked into his building he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He had gained a weird type of possessive instincts over her which he only felt with the women he had sex with but this time it was ten times greater and he had only kissed her a few moments ago. He had even gone as far as to discharge a few of his male employees who he spotted ogling her from afar. He was definitely going crazy!

He couldn't believe he had just asked her to be his, what with their age difference and stature barrier and all but honestly he just couldn't resist her anymore. Alexander was a man who obtained anything he set his eyes on and Olivia was something he was hell-bent on possessing from the day he set eyes on her, she was now his possession!

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