chapter 29

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three weeks later....

wisely pov

this cant be happening. this cant be fucking happening! after everything we have gone through and managed to build up, its all crumbling before my very eyes. "boss!!" i looked up at my office door to see socalo coming in, a frantic look on his face. "another store house just got raided by the FBI!! we lost three more carriers," he said. shit. fucking shit. that just leaves me with daisya. he is the only carrier that is left. if he gets caught...shit. this might just be it for us. i dont know how the FBI keeps getting these hints from us but its killing us. "who is left of the gang?" i asked, dreading the answer. ", you, daisya, and ian are all that's pretty much left. the carriers we had left took what they could and left the city, trying not to get caught. we lost probably three million, one warehouse that is left now and three quarters of our product have been confiscated and/or stolen by the FBI and fleeing members. what are we gonna do?!" he said. i could see this was weighing on him just like it was me. "i dont fucking know. all i can think to do is run, socalo. just leave the country. this is it for us, the innocents. how much money is left?" i asked. " a million. we gonna split it between all of us?" he asked. "that's all we can really do right now. the kids can get 200k while we split the rest. we need to get out of the country really. give some money to your mom and vanish," i stood up, gathering up my belongings. "what about the left over product? that warehouse is in your name," we started out the building. "i dont know. we need to hide it somewhere. we need to get into contact with the other two to see what we all can do," i pulled out my cell and texted daisya.

me: are you with ian right now?

daisya: yeah, whats up?

me: we need to talk right away. we will all meet back at your apartment in two hours

daisya: we will be there

"lets go," i grabbed my jacket, and we walked out the door. i looked back at the warehouse that was HQ since the founding of our gang. "time to burn this shit," grunted socalo as he lit a match. he grabbed a basin of gasoline and stabbed it with a switch blade. good thing we dont keep anything here. its all at the warehouse. we are gonna go there after talking with the kids. he kicked it into the entrance of the building, watching the leaking gas creating a stream in its wake. he tossed the match on the stream and we jogged out of the blast range as the gas ignited, the trail of flames quickly reaching the barrel. we hit the ground as the barrel exploded, setting the whole building ablaze. i got up and dusted myself off. ok. that is taken care of. "lets clear up the evidence and get the hell outta here," i said. he nodded and we got to work.


reader pov

"what's going on? why did you cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day?" i asked. he had gotten some texts a few minutes ago while we were making the info drop. after we finished, he canceled the rest for the day and told me we had to go back to....his house? "really, daisya? i told you already, i have a boyfriend. we went over this," i grunted as he rode down the street. "its not that but that is something that has been bothering me. who is this boyfriend? why wont you tell me anything about him?" he grunted, glancing at me before looking back at the road. "i told you, daisya: i dont want you to take him from me with your insane sexiness. just walking by him will make him want to follow you and i wont see him no more," i deadpanned. "stop fucking lying to me and tell me the truth! you been spending all this time with him lately and i haven't seen you any other time except when we are making a drop. what the fuck is going on with you?" he pulled into his parking lot and we got out. i sighed. i was hoping this would be another time where me stroking his ego would get a blush out of him and he would leave it alone but i guess it wont work this time.

You Didn't Ask (Reader x Nea D. Campbell) {D Gray Man}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum