chapter 50

203 17 1

three months ago....

reader pov

i had gone to a basketball game with kanda for old times sake. wanted the other guys to come too but kazaana had to babysit, chalker had a new training, and rhode and edgar were away on vacation. it wasn't mandatory and we did hang out just a few days prior so i didnt mind just going with kanda. i was happy. despite how things were going at home, i was happy. it was almost like a dream. watching them go back and forth down the court. my favorite player carrying the whole game on his shoulders in all honesty. score was tied up until just minutes left. the last shot, made from the three point line by MVP Chaozii Han......nothing but net. whole crowd went wild. i fucking screamed until my voice went hoarse. had to down the water i brought just so my throat wouldn't hurt. i was near where the players were making their ways inside the locker room. lots of handshakes. i even managed to get one from a few of the lesser players but there was one thing that really stood out to me. it was when i made eye contact with the star player. i expected a cheesy smile or a 'thanks for being a fan' or even some type of rude gesture, after all i was just another fan, right? none of those. what happened surprised the hell outta me. he looked at me, his eyes widened, and.....well he blushed a bright red. he looked away quickly and went into the locker room....but not before he stole a glance at me again. i was curious about what that meant, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

the paparazzi was lining the halls, trying their best to get something out the players. i noticed two very familiar ponytails on one head. "lenalee!" i was surprised to see her here. i was with kanda on the other side in the VIP section while she was mixed in with the press. her eyes widened when she spotted me. "IAN!!" she bee lined right for me, pulling me into a tight hug. "OMG how have you been! i haven't seen you since kaz and Emilia's wedding!" she chimed. "ive been doing just fine. came here with kanda for old times sake," i pointed to him. he was mingling with a few of the other players. she gasped. "you know im a reporter, right? as in i NEED to get something from them and not something generic either," she said. i shrugged.

most of the players were mingling in small groups. some with kanda. a couple talking to the press. i noticed a particular player just surfing on his phone. every now and then, he would blush and chuckle. "since he is sooo busy, why dont we talk to him?" she said. "oh no, we should--" she completely ignored me and yanked me over to Chaozii's locker. he was sitting down on a chair in some shorts and a tee. looks like he had a suit in the locker that he might be changing into. "excuse me, mr Han?" said lenalee. he looked up right at me. that blush returned. he stood up quickly, revealing he was actually the same height as me. im about 6'2". "can i help you...two?" he looked at lenalee. "this is my friend, lenalee. she is a reporter..." she held out a hand, which he shook precariously. "...she would love to ask you a few questions, if you dont mind," i said. "fire away," he shrugged.

he didnt answer any personal questions, which was understandable. she was a little frustrated that he wouldn't give her any dirt like who his girlfriend is or anything like that. "well it was nice talking to you, Mr Han. thanks for the interview. great game," she waved and was off, leaving me in an awkward silence alone with chaozii. i sighed. "i know you probably heard this  million times but....that game was fucking amazing. i dont know how you do it..." ended up letting my inner fan boy take over for a few minutes. got him to laugh a few times but he mostly kept a gentle smile. what a nice guy. "IAN!!" both our heads snapped to kanda who jogged over to join us. "what?" i asked as he got over to us. "talking to the guys over there and they invited us to the celebration downtown," he was overly excited. i shrugged. since nea is working all the damn time, i can hang out a little longer, right? its not like he will be there when i get back home.

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