Chapter 2.

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I knew that this was just Mr. Stevens way of 'revenge' for smart mouthing him.


Ashlin's jaw dropped to the ground. She turned to me and glared at me.

Most people would be intimidated. But me? Not so much. I mean, why would I be scared of a life sized barbie doll?

I rolled my eyes at her and then I glared at Mr. Stevens. He pretended not to notice and kept on reading the list.

This sucked. Not only did I have to do a group project, but it's with the "bad boy" of the school. I could tell that's him because I can put two and two together. Coming late to class...amazing looks...has girls chasing after him...has got that whole 'bad boy' look...

Yeah. Definitely the bad boy.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Stevens speaks.

"Now, I will be handing out the book you're presenting. Keep in mind, every group has a different book so it won't make any sense copying someone's work. And don't even try to switch books with someone. I wrote down who has which book"

The class groaned, probably sad that they couldn't copy other people's work. What a bunch of assholes.

I noticed that the only other person besides me that wasn't reacting was Ryder.

He was completely still, paying attention but not responding. He wasn't showing the slightest sign of emotion.

Was that a good sign or a bad one?

"Ashlin and Kristy, you will be reading and presenting The Great Gatsby."

What?! Unfair. That was a really good book.

They won't even appreciate it.

"Omg! Seriously?! That's like the most boring book ever," Ashlin whispered to her friend, but it was loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Told you.

"Kennedy and Ryder. You have the book Romeo and Juliet."

Huh. That wasn't such a bad book either.

Ryder still didn't react. I had no idea if he was satisfied with the book we got. Or if he was okay with us being partners.

After Mr. Stevens told the rest of the class what their books are, he passed them out. As he gave me the last book he had to hand out, the bell rang.

All the students packed their stuff and left as quickly as possible. Almost everyone was talking to their partners about the project.

Except Ryder and I.

I was about to ask him when he wanted us to meet up but he was already walking through the door.

I threw my stuff in my backpack and raced after him.

No way was I going to fail this project because he was to lazy to get started on it. Believe it or not, I take my grades seriously.

He was with four other guys a few feet away from where I was standing. One of them being Blake.

I made my way over to him.


I don't know if he didn't hear me or was ignoring me on purpose but he didn't turn around.

I walked closer and called a bit louder. "Ryder!"

He still didn't turn around so I walked up to him. The other guys noticed me before he did and one spoke up.

Pranking The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now