Chapter 15: Temptations

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Salim stood at the entrance of the gate, the massive wooden door creaked ajar. The wind stroked his long hair, the cold biting his cheek. His nostrils were welcomed with the familiar scent of home. His boots cracked and crunched the ground as he walked inside the familiar palace. Though he had changed, the humongous palace stood proudly, still the same. The hairs on his fur coat flickered in the wind, his armour clanked as walked to the old man who stood a few feet ahead of him, he knew the man, it was his father's trusted advisor.

"Welcome back Prince Salim." The man bowed before him. "The emperor awaits you; this way your majesty." He continued and tried to lead the way.

"How is The Emperor? Why was I sent for urgently?" Salim asked, 'Why was my banishment suddenly lifted?' He wanted to ask but kept mute on the matter.

"Prince Jellal! Please get up."

His head snapped immediately turned to the voice, as if it was an obvious reaction. He gulped, wetting his parched cold throat. On the cold ground lay Jellal, his eyes shut but Salim almost cringed at his sight. His hair was ragged and unkempt, his beard long and rough, he looked like a different Jellal altogether.

Prodding his arm beside him was Ada. For a minute his breath hitched. His world had stopped. His eyes were only on her. Dressed in a faded yellow dress, she was a sight for pity. Her arms were bare, a couple of bangles jingled on her stick like wrist. Goosebumps covered her skin and she rubbed her hands again and prodded his unconscious brother again.

"Please get up or you'll freeze here..." Her melodious voice reached his ears again.

He looked back at his disciples, tilted his head ordering them to help her. They bowed at once and went on to lift the unconscious prince.

"Thank you. I'm grateful you both helped me. Thank you very much."

Salim watched her face light up in a smile. It didn't make her face any more ethereal. Her cheeks were hollow and her under eyes carried dark rings. She looked like a ghost of past self. Previously, her head would've been always tipped up in pride. But now, she consciously looked down, her head bowed low, her confidence all gone. He urged himself to look away. And walked away from the garden.


     The next thing he knew he was in the emperor's chambers. Women and men dressed in white moved quietly around the room. They all stepped out when he walked towards the bed. The muslin cloth was raised and he was viewed the pitiful sight of his father. It looked as of he had aged a thousand years when it had been only three.

        The emperor let out a guttural groan and his snowy eyelashes flickered as he struggled to open his eyes half way. His watery green eyes met Salim's. They had the same eyes. It was the only thing he hated about himself. His eyes were proof enough that he was a bastard. Jellal did not have them. Only he did.

        " have you been?" His voice shook, Salim snapped out of his trance and looked at his father once again.

        I'm not dead yet. He wanted to snap at him but pitying the state of the old man he said,  "I'm fine, your majesty."

        " in the ministers." He ordered the Vizier standing next to him quietly. He bowed and left the room. Soon a throng of men entered the room their heads bowed. Salim's mind buzzed around in confusion. The Vizier helped him sit upright.

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