2) Dad?

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(Your pov.......)

It had been a week since you started at you new school with (b/f/n) and you have like being there so far. You and Alex hadn't spoken since the first day of school, your not sure why but you got the feeling he didn't want to talk. You had spoken to tom a few times since then mainly about the work you did in science and you found out that the boys are in you P.E. class as well as (b/f/n) being in your class as well.

You where currently at home in your room it was Friday after noon and you just got home. Your dad was out probably working. You where used to being home alone since your mum left and your dad is always busy with work so it's not the first time.

Just then your phone dinged alerting you that you got a text, it was from your dad.

Hey sweetie, I'm going to be home late so don't wait for me to have dinner just make something out of whatever we have in the kitchen and try and make it normal not like last time ok Love you I will be home by morning XOXO.

You slightly giggle remembering what happened last time when you mixed chocolate, and tomato sauce together on a sandwich ( it was all I could think of sorry). It tasted terrible but you where 4 and didn't know any better.

Ok dad see you then
P.S. you would tell me if you where back in the hospital right?

You wonder this because he doesn't like telling you if he's hurt because he doesn't want you to worry about him.

Yes so don't worry about it I'm not in the hospital, the guys and me just finished the mission  late that's all so we need to go to the office,
I will see you when I get home bye.

Bye dad get home safely XOXO.

Your dad worked as a secret agent in a group called k-unit. They would go on missions together some times death defying ones. Your dad had be in hospital a couple of times but only once had he had a serious injury.

In the unit the was wolf, the leader of the group, snake, bear, and your dad fox. There was also a cub at one stage but he left soon after arriving.

(.......time skip........)

You check the time to see that it was 8 o'clock and that you haven't eaten yet. You hop up and walk down the stairs to the kitchen and make some (favourite food). Once you finish eating you go back to your room and check your phone to see if you have any massages. When you look you saw that tom has messaged you.

'Why did he massage me?' You thought. You check what he said.

Hey (y/n) I was wondering if you have done your science homework? I completely forgot about it.

(Tom's pov......)

I texted (y/n) to see if she had do the science homework but that's not the hole truth as to why I texted her. She's just lso nice and I just wanted to talk to her more than we talk now. Alex said that he didn't want to talk to her again and that she probably doesn't want anything to do with him but she is to nice for that.

Thinking about it Alex doesn't get close to to many people because of the hole MI6 thing. He thinks that if he gets close to people then they will get targeted by people that are after him. He even tried to push me away for that reason but I stayed by his side and I haven't be targeted once.

It annoys me about how people think that he is a druggie or a gang member just because he's always way and has more cuts has bruises every time he comes back to school.

My phone dinged bringing me out of my thoughts. It was a text from (y/n).

No I haven't done it yet we still have to hole weekend to finish it why are you in such a rush to get it finished?

I'm going away on the weekend with Alex, we are going on a camping trip so I need to finish it tonight I have done most of it so it should be fine if I don't finish the hole thing.

Alex huh, how did you become such close friends with him anyway, people say that he's a druggie or a member of a gang.

When she said that I started to get a little pissed. Not at her but just in general.

Well he's not a druggie or a member of a gang, you shouldn't go around believing everything that you hear! Just because someone is different doesn't mean that they are a druggie ! Just because they get scratches and bruises doesn't mean that they are in a gang! Just because they are away for long periods of time doesn't mean anything!

Uhh sorry I didn't mean to be rude.

I realised that I got angry at her and felt really bad. It wasn't her fault those rumours where out, she didn't start them.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get angry at you it's just that hearing those rumours about Alex really piss me off because I know that they aren't true, I'm so sorry.

It's all good you where just sticking up for a friend that's what I would do :)

After that we talked a little more but then it got late and she had to go so I decided that I was going to go to bed to.

(Your pov.....)

I had a good chat to tom and then I decided it was time to go. When we stoped talking it was almost 12 o'clock at night. If my dad came home and I was still up he would be furious so I went to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I herd noise in the kitchen so I gut up to see what it was. When I got to the kitchen I realised it was thunder my dog. He managed to get into his dog biscuits because someone didn't close the cubed properly. 'Dad!'

"Dad! You didn't close the cubed and now thunder has made a mess!" I yelled out waking my sleeping dad up.

I herd him grown and come down the stairs. When he walked into the kitchen I pointed to the mess on the floor with one had and had the other hand on my hip. He looked at the mess and then back at me with a face that said 'I was to tired it's not my fault' I just rolled my eyes and put thunder outside whilst dad cleaned the floor.

When I came back inside dad was at the table eating breakfast.

"Oh yer sweetie we are going to go to a reunion for k-unit next month and you will get to see everyone again" dad said as I sat down at the table beside him.

"Sounds good dad can't wait" I said as I started to eat.

'The last time a saw k-unit was a couple of years ago it will be nice to see them again' I thought.


There is the second chapter people 😋

Please let me know what you think about it so far

Jazz_out 😋

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