18) Bullet Hole

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I wasn't thinking. I had no control. But I ran.  As fast as I could I ran towards Alex. I needed to save him because I love him.

I just hope I get to tell him because that's all that was going through my mind as I felt pain rush through my body as we fell to the ground.


(Your POV...)

With a smak we landed on the ground. Out of instinked I grabed my arm trying not to scream from the buring pain where the bullet had hit my arm. I was in shock, the sound of the gunshot kept runing through my mind and I couldn't make out what Alex was screaming at me over the sirens.

"(Y/N)!! You need to get up, please get up" Alex's voice was filled with worrie and I only noticed that after my mind started to come back into check. "(Y/N) are you ok"

I sat up and looked at Alex "No Alex! I'm not ok, I just got shot in the arm!" I yelled back at him trying to ignore the pain.

I looked at my hand that was putting pressure on my arm. There was blood seeping through the gaps in my fingers and I was losing a lot of blood. I knew I wouldn't stay conches for much longer and we still needed to stop Jackson.

"Oh wow, I never would have guessed my little princes was apart of this, I guess I should introduce myself considering I haven't met you (Y/N)" I hated the way my name sounded when he said it. "My name is Jackson Gregorovich, it's nice to meet you" the grin on Jackson's face had a sinister look about it.

My head turned quickly to Alex with a questioning look on my face. "Yassen had a son?"

"It appears so" Alex was looking at Jackson now with a look of hate.

"Oh come on Alex don't look at me like that, don't you remember my father saved your life" Jackson said.

"Yeah arfter he killed my father!" Alex was yelling again but this time I could see a tear falling down his cheek.

I never knew what had happened to Alex's father, I mean everyone was told that he was killed on the job but no one was told that it was the most wanted assasion across the world that had killed the best known agent. This means that Alex has a personal conection to this mission so why did he never tell me and why didn't Blunt tell us who this kid was.

"Im just here to finish the job Alex, my father was soft enouph to spair your life but unfortunate for you I'm stronger than him" Jackson was lost in talk and didn't realise all the moneters around him showing us the security camera footage. There where soulders closing in we just needed to keep him talking and Alex knew it to.

"Jackson you don't need to be like your father you..." Alex was cut off by Jacksons small outrage.

"I'm nothing like that week Killer!!" Jackson screamed.

"Your father was known as the best assasion in the world you really think you can be better than him" I said, Alex was trying to calm him down but I dicided it would be a good idea to keep his anger going so that he stayed distracted.

"(Y/N) what are you doing your making it worse hes going to..." there was a loud blast before Alex could finnish and I felt another sharp pain in my body but this time in my oposit sholder.

Before I realised what had happened I had lost consciousness from losing to much blood.


(Alex's POV...)

"(Y/N)!!" I screamed her name but she had already lost consciousness and was laying on the ground with blood pooling around her shoulder and her arm.

I looked at Jackson and he was just looking blankly at (Y/N)'s still body laying on the ground.

"I will be better than my father and I will not let anyone stop me" he was saying his thoughts outloud. Jackson had compleatly lost it. His rage had overcome him and he no longer had a sane side.

I had one knee on the ground kneeling next to (Y/N). I looked Jackson in the eyes as he raised the gun, aming at me, I stood to my full hight and never broke eye contact. After all its not the first time I had been face to face with a cold blooded killer aiming a gun at my head.

"You wanted to know how I got my battle scars right Jackson" He gave me a slightly puzzled look but before he could question me there was one more gunshot and Jackson fell to the ground. "Thats how"

I looked over to the solder that had shot Jackson in the leg, "You took your time Fox"

"Not now Alex we need to get (Y/N) to the medical area and Jackson there to I supose" Fox said looking at Jackson who was holding his leg to his chest screaming in pain.

I walked over to (Y/N) and picked her still body up off the carpet as Fox kicked the gun away from Jacksons reach and renched him up onto his feet where his screams grow louder and he fell back down.

"I regret shooting his leg now" Fox said vaguely as he flung Jackson over his shoulder.

(Y/N) had lost enough blood to pass out so we didn't have much time before she got to a critical stage. when we got to the courtyard (Y/N) was taken from my arms and rushed to the medical facility as well as Jackson. All the school kids where back on the buses exept for the boys involved with Jackson who where under custody.

The base was still buzzing with alarms and lights and soldiers running around making sure everything was in check so I made my was slowly to where they had taken (Y/N).

'I can't belive Yassen had a son, I can't belive Yassen is back, this time I will get my revenge'


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Love you guys!!
Jazz :)

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