4) wolf is Alex's guardian

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The photo above is your campaigning ground


(Your pov)

You looked at wolf with a confused expression "Didn't you guys know
you lived near each other?"

"Well no we don't ask where each other live, we have never needed
to know that information about each other" It was your dad that answered
this question.

"And besides Alex riders his bike every morning even though it's
more of a driving distance not walking but he refuses to let me drive him"
Wolf added this to fox's answer.

You looked over at Alex that was about to say something 'I wonder if
they know what goes on at school' As if Alex, could tell that you were thinking
about him he turned to you with a look on his face that looked like he would
kill you if you said anything, so, you returned the look with a closed eye
smile and he smiled back thinking it was ok, but then your smile turned into a grin but not just a grin a devilish grin. Alex's face changed to a look of
worry as if he knew there was nothing he could do to stop you from saying anything.

You decided not to say anything because you didn't want to get on his
bad side because you felt you would be seeing a lot more of him over the next
couple of months.

(10 minutes later)

Everyone had pulled out there camping chairs besides you and Alex. You were
sitting on a blanket in the middle of the cercal and Alex was off to the side
sitting under a tree with his back leaning on the trunk. Everyone was having a convocation with each other and Alex looked like he was about to fall asleep under the shade of the tree.

There was one question that you were dying to ask and now seemed like a
good time because wolf wasn't talking at this moment.

"Hey Wolf, I have a question" at the sound of his name he
looked up but you also saw Alex lift his head up out of the corner of your eye.

"What is it squirt" Wolf said with a cheerful voice.

"I was just wondering how you became Alex's guardian that's
all" You saw Alex put his head back down and lean back on the tree clearly
not interested in the question the as just asked.

"Well I guess I will start from the start and tell you the whole
story but, I'm just warning you this story will start at the start of Alex's career
of MI6"

You looked from Alex to Wolf 'I want to know what his life was like
before this moment' you smiled at wolf and said "I don't mind, now let's
start the story"

"Well as you might know Alex grow up without any parents and he
lived with his uncial and a house keeper named jack she had been looking after him since he was young. When he was 14 his uncial was killed by an assassin and that's when jack looked after him and when his career began with MI6. He was sent to the beacon beacers for a week's training and that's when we all first met him. When we found out that they had sent a 14-year-old boy to train with us none of us really liked the idea"

"hhmm" Bear cleared his thought and wolf glanced at him "It was just you that wasn't happy with the idea you made that week one of the worse of his life" You saw everyone give a slight node towards wolf and you stifled a giggle.

"Fine I wasn't very pleased with the idea of getting up staged by a
14-year-old but in the end he saved are jobs and I respected him after

(time skip of half an hour)

"So, Alex had just finished another mission but jack had sadly died
and that left him, with no one to look after him. A couple of days after the incident I was walking passed blunts office and I heard them speaking about Alex and how he might have to go to an orphanage and I didn't like the sound of that idea so I walked into blunts office and sad that I would look after Alex, and that's how I became Alex's guardian"

You looked over at Alex and he had fallen asleep against the tree
"So he has had quite a life before now and it's still going"

"You could say that although I'm not sure how he goes at school" After wolf said that a light bulb went off in his head and you got a sinking feeling in your stomach as wolf gave you a interested look "Maybe you know how he has been going at school (y/n), you know you can tell me anything don't you. Just tell me how he has been at school"

"Haha" You gave a nervous laugh "Well I don't think that I can quite say how he has been at school I mean I don't speak to him at school" You had a nervous smile on your face 'I can't tell him everyone ignores him because they all think he's a druggy or a member of a gang'

"Hm well I guess you wouldn't really know then" Wolf said.

"Guess not" You thanked the gods that you avoided that question but you knew that wolf knew you went telling the truth and that the
question will come back.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

(Alex's pov)

I started to slowly wake up after I fell asleep whilst wolf was telling (y/n) the story of how he became my guardian. I stretch my back and arms and when I looked over at everyone they were all chatting with each other. I looked
over to see (y/n) with her back to me and her (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing softly
in the wind. She looked so at peace and so happy at this point in time it was
almost a beautiful, well that's a lie, it was beautiful, she was beautiful.

She turned he had and looked at me and when she saw I was awake she gave
me a quick smile and started walking over to me. She sat down next to the tree leaning on it like I was.

"Did you have a good sleep Alex, you looked like you needed it to be
honest" She said this with a soft voice and I smiled at her and said.

"Yeah, it was about time I got a good sleep how long was I out for?"

"All most an hour I think I'm not quite sure"
"So, is Wolf still good at telling the story of how he became my guardian?"

"Haha, yeah how many times has he had to tell it?" You were curious as
to how many times Alex had heard the story.

"Well let's see, there would be at least 8 or 9 times I have heard about 5 different versions of the story depending on who he is talking to"

"Well I guess that makes séance, it's not like he can tell everyone you
are a spy. How many people know about that anyway?"

"Hm, well there's all the agents that know but, 2 of my friends know
about it as well"

"3 of your friends you mean" Alex looked at you with a confused face and
you pouted "What are you saying I'm not your friend then, if there is only 2
that know about it that means that I'm not your friend"

"Oh, well then 3 of them know about it then" I gave (y/n) a quick smile
but, the pout she had on her face before was so cute.

"Who are the other ones that know about it then?"

"Well you know one of them" She gave me a confused look as if she didn't
have a clue who I was talking about. "Tom knows about it that's why he doesn't avoid me at school like everyone else even though I have told him to he doesn't listen, and the other one is a girl named Sabina" I smiled at the mention of Sub's name I haven't seen her in ages and I would really love to see her again sometime soon.

I looked over at (y/n) and she had a smirk on her face again, so I gave
her a questioned look.

"Could it be that little Alex has a crush on this girl" Her grin grow bigger as I turned my head to look away when I felt my cheeks burn up gust a little bit. When she saw the light dust of red on my cheeks she stifled a giggle and said "Haha, I'm right this is hilarious, so, is she pretty, no I bet she's beautiful, gorges even"

(y/n) kept on going and my cheeks kept on getting redder I needed to stop he talk about this before I turn as red as a tomato and the guys see.

"Hey (y/n), what about you boyfriend I bet he's just the most handsome in the world isn't he" I know if I brought up the face that (y/n) didn't have a boyfriend she would stop talking about Sub but, I didn't know I could end in death.

"What did you just say Alex Rider!" she yelled out my name and that got the guys attention.

"You've done it know Alex I suggest you run before she can get to you unless you want a broken arm!" Fox yelled out to me.

I looked over at (y/n) and she looked like she was ready to pounce like I
tiger pouncing on pray. That's when I took Fox's advice and ran. (y/n) got up
and ran after me, she was really fast because she was keeping up with me.

"Fox why did you raze your daughter like an animal, she's going to kill
me help!" I was running even faster now but (y/n) picked up her pass as well. "(y/n) I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything about your make-believe boyfriend" I couldn't stifle my laugh in time and I started to burst out laughing as (y/n) just yelled my name again.

"Alex! You dead when I get my hands on you!"

We keep on running around the camp site and towards the end we were both ended up on the ground laughing so hard we could hardly breathe.


I am so sorry this took so long to update I broke my phone and only just go a new one I will try and update again soon

Jazz out :)

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