Chapter 10

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Jesses POV

Max and I had come across an agreement.

We're getting into character so it's not so awkward. Saying morning King or queen of you know what I mean.

Any way we decided what we were going to do. I don't really remember how the conversation got started but what i do know is it was while we where eating dinner.

Turns out he had already gotten into their friend group. Max said that after i left Sam came up and showed some interest in him.

So with him going straight into the scenes and me digging around on the outside we are bound to get our info soon enough.

I'm climbing up the black marble spiral stair case up to my room feeling the cold stone bracing my warm feet with every new step until they found my rooms soft plush white carpet.

It was around 1am in the morning by the time we finished out disscusion so I decided on having a shower when I woke up.

I flopped down face first onto my blood red quit and fell asleep thinking about earlier today with Ryan and wether or not Sam had ventured down into my old cell like room. .. ... And soon I drifted off into my hell called sleep.

"Tell your brother to leave Jessica or I'll kill him just like your parents." Sam whispered into my half unconscious mind.

He shot a new pain full chemical that he called deaths ring into my neck.

My brother Elliott loved me so much he tried to prevent the bulling that he saw by gettin into fights and things but He didn't know that half the reason I was being treated how I was was because of him. He protected me and I him its the way we worked so as he felt the hits I took them. Not leading on about what was really happening in case he would do something that would end up with us both killed.

I lied to him saying I was going to live at a friends house because home reminded me to much of mum and dad. He was the only family I had left.

"DID YOU HEAR ME!" Sam screamed in my face. He was mad because Elliott embarrassed him infront of everyone by getting him to fall on his ass walking to his seat.

I didn't want Elliott to go but I knew this time he had to or else Sam would kill him for real. And I couldn't live with another life dead because I could've done something to protect it.

The drug was running through my veins. It began to mess with my brain making me scream out with no sound because all my mussels had gone limp.

I could feel my own urine traveling down my legs from my mussels spamming

The drug only controlled my mussels for a few moments before moving onto my blood stream making each blood cell burn like lava.

Sam dragged his chair over so he sat directly in front of me.

His scowl depending making the line in his forehead sink further in when he watched the second hand of his watch move.

I started gaining control of my wrists slowly turning them in the the restraints holding me up.

"Times up."

He rose from his chair closed my cell door. And headed up to the hidden entrance. my heart started to pick up when he began closing it making me stutter out.

"I-I w-will t-tell him to go."

I got it out before he left and the short scream that followed which was soon to be one of many.

It was beginning I could feel my blood turn to lava inside me.

I fell off the bed screaming.

I will never fully understand how he can still haunt me at night.

I remember that day in my dream. it was the second most significant thing he graved into my mind.

When I walked into school the next day and headed to my brothers group Of friends I noticed he wasn't there and when when I asked their reply was a simple 'don't know' So I just shook it off thinking he was planning some other prank that I would pay for. So I nodded and went on my way to class.

I can remember starting to get worried about him when he didn't show at our usual spot after school. Which was under a big maypole tree beside his jet black motor cycle. Much like the one I have now. And yet he never showed. not the next day or week or even month. Yet being me the simple minded puppy I refused to believe Sam had done what he promised not to if I told Elliott to go. So every fucking day I stood out beside his bike for months until Sam told me smiling about what had happened after he left me in my cell. A little more of me rotted inside then but it didn't come as a shock to me because I guess I was just lying to myself when I thought he had run away. An that he was safer somewhere other than here.

I knew Sam constantly broke his promises and I was foolish enough to believe he wouldn't.

I couldn't save the last member of my family. And it tears me apart to this day.

The door in my room slammed open to see max standing in just his boxers. His body completely covered with mussel.

My hand was already holding a gun pointed at his chest in natural instinct.

I don't know how I got it. But it was most likely the one I forgot to take off my hip when I fell asleep.

A little annoyed I slowed my heart race into a beat so he wouldn't notice.

"What do you want." I asked sourly

He had his hands raised. The way I held the gun prevented him from dodging the bullet If I fired and if I did shoot it would leave him paralysed for a few months thanks to our wolf gene.

I was sitting up right on the ground with my back against the side of the bed. I held the gun with my left hand and rubbed my eyes with my right.

"I heard screaming. I thought someone was attaching."
He said looking at me accusingly.

"Well do you hear it now? NO! So get out. and in future reference If you come into my room again without permission don't expect to see your left testical in the morning."

His face was filled with pure horror at him losing one of his nuts. But soon gained control so he was wearing the famous mask assassins use. He nodded turning to leave.

"Thanks anyway though."

I muttered under my breath loud enough for him to hear. Before he closed the door.

I turned my head to see the alarm clock at 6:45am and decided I may as well get ready for school.

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