Chapter 11

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"Did you hear? Apparently lily went missing last night after her shift!"
One of the girls behind me said.

"Wait, didn't she work at Nic's night club? I thought she was the shy type of girl not some ..."
There disscusion getting a little more interesting as another butted in.

"Slut!" they all laughed at their friends out burst dying down when their leader spoke.

"What I don't get is, why don't the girls who work there just quit their jobs. I mean most of the girls are being taken from that place and its a miracle Nic is still able to higher.
Maybe someone blackmailing them."

They were all silent from that point on probably in their own thoughts.

"do you reckon Nic has something to do with what's been happening?"

"Probably. That guy freaks me out."

The three fake everything blonds giggled at one of their confessions. They were behind me but were shut up by mr Tardy to whom I see still lives up to his name.

He was our history teacher and back when I used to come here he taught maths.

His black hair and green eyes were as dull as ever.

"Sorry I'm late class let's begin."

Tardy got into the light history of the Second World War and began explaining some of the medical procedures that went down.

'I think we aught to go pay a visit to this Nic guy.' Elan whispered into the back of my mind. She was pacing back and forth with irritation she wanted out. She hadn't been out for months now and I could tell she felt caged.


Class ended and I rose from my seat heading down towards my locker.

I wonder if he ever got the message in the cellar? I bet he's shitting himself.

Thinking about what the girls had said before class I was going to have to check out a strippers club so it was probably open at night meaning I would have to catch this Nic guy when it closes and pry some answers out of him.

my smile started to show against my gleaming pointed white teeth in a sad way.

Poor girls.

I felt a slight pinch on my right butt check and whipped around my hand connecting with a prickly face in a hard slap.

He was werewolf I could smell it, and also the fact this is a only were wolf school.
he let out a quiet low rumble to show he didn't appreciate my actions toward him.

Well guess what fuck nuts I don't like you actions either.

I let out a small growl myself.
I did it quietly so only his ears could hear and i could tell by his eyes he was shocked and angered that I had challenged him.

Now that I got a good look he had blond hair and blue eyes. He was attractive might I say but his attitude to think he could do what ever he wanted recked that image for him.

He was beginning to shake ready to shift and attack. He was challenging me.

All I did was shrug and walk away.

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