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SAMs pov


I was in my study room trying to work out the note I got from the intruder a few nights ago to see if it was the same person who had been steeling my packs girls and selling them off.

swiveling around in my chair rex barged through with all a look that described hells bottle top had just blown off.

"what's wrong?" I asked looking back down at the note, completely uninterested.

"what's wrong? here's what's wrong the bloody bitch spent over 4 million dollars on my bank account and most of that has been transported to an account I cant access."

he held up his phone in plain sight and showed me his bank account.

"i bet this is that rouges fault." he said before storming out of my study.

Getting up I went after him. "where are you going idiot?" I yelled after him as we both went outside and into the forest.

"where do you think? I don't care if that girl is maxs sister or not she's going to learn what happens when you mess with the rex.

talking in third person now are we

I knew what he meant and to be totally honest I was really frustrated and i needed to let off some steam and I couldn't exactly let rex go off on his own, I mean he'll have to take care of max before he can get to the girls obviously.

I watched as rex jumped into his grey and white wolf and running off. jumping into my black wolf skin I soon caught up to him.

"haha glad your joining me man."

"well I couldn't leave you to deal with max after all"

"ha! we both know whos the better fighter out of both of us.. Sam?!"

my wolf growled not liking his comment. and as hard as it was to accept that rex was stronger the more it angered me. Because it meant it was true.

My growl made his wolf whine and snarl at Rex angry that he had challenged his alpha.

We ran through the Forrest and in what felt like a few seconds we arrived. But not to something either of us would have expected loud gun shots were coming from inside the house as well as screaming and shouting. Rexs wolf looked at me and mine him both wolfs wanted to know what was going on and right when we were about to jump out of the bushes a bulk man with grey hair ran out of the house and fell onto the ground before scrambling back up with the look of sheer horror and excitement in his face.

He began running in our direction hopefully not noticing that me an Rex began to automatically move behind some shrubs. Not that it was needed because Amanda surprisingly ran outside with the look of pure rage and enjoyment etched onto her face. Her movements were lighting fast with precision and she easily caught up to the grey headed guy and reached out her hand and gripped onto the back of his shirt flipping him high up into the air and back towards the house. He hit the ground probably breaking something and got back up with an agonized groan but didn't give up. Amanda was no less than finished with him. She began to stride over the sweet disturbed aura slipping further into darkness.

"Hahahahaha are you kidding... What did you think was going to happen Ha? You thought I would just let you sit at the bench and let you leave? No. I'm far from finished with you!!"

Max ran out and leapt through the air colliding with Amanda's abdomen.

They both fell to the ground and in no time at all they were both up again.

"Listen to me Jess." Max spoke

Jess? I thought her name was Amanda?

Wait if she's using a fake name then what about max who the hell is he. Maybe they're the ones responsible for the kidnappings?

No. They couldn't be I was talking to the guy responsible a few nights ago.

So, who are they exactly? I'll need to run background checks now. Agh what a pain.

My gut telling me it wasn't a good time to interfere with whatever drama was going on here and I agreed with it. Looking back over to where Rexs wolf was to tell him that we shouldn't interfere without knowing what we were getting into. But that changed as soon as I realized Rex wasn't there but running across the front yard towards Mikayla who was at the door horrified at what was being portrayed before her. As Rex leapt through the air and crashed with jess in her human skin pinning him down. "CHANGE!" she ordered sending the pebbles around her start to scatter away.

I stayed in the bushes my wolf, even though he was an alpha was a bit cautious if it was the right move to come to Rexs rescue.

"I SAID CHANGE MUTT. She yelled before snapping her head in my direction.

I began to back away slowly stopping when I heard a snap come from behind me.

"Well, well hello there Sam." Max said as my wolf growled spinning around so I was facing him and slowly backed away into the clearing straight into the view of the one who half scared my wolf.

"Elliot switch." Max looked up as if it was him she was talking to.

And in the moments, he was out of my sight Jess had replaced him. My wolf doing the stupidest thing looked over towards Rex who had changed back into his normal skin and pinned face down into the dirt. Huffing.


Her eyes watched mine seeing deep into mine and that's when I saw it.

"Jessica?" My wolf spoke with sheer horror and terror.

The most wicked smile overlapped her face showing rows and rows of white teeth. And that was the last thing I saw before my vision was blacked out.

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