Chapter 24

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sams pov

what do I do oh god? last night I had to call the dinner to an end early because of the discovery of 11 dead rogues found on the out skirts of no mans land so when max left I changed into my wolf form and ran down to crime. yes, they are rouges but that wasn't what was worrying me. it was the knife that had been lodged into the tree with the words tentechu sparde (ten-tetch-u spar-d-e) which translated to Queen of spades who of course I had no idea existed until I got rex to do some digging and apparently, that person is a leader of a house in the assassin world. its bad enough girls from my pack are being picked off by some creep and getting sold as sex slaves or slaves in general but now I have to deal with the fact a queen assassin is lurking around my pack and I had no Idea who. apart from the basic hope that she was just passing through.

I was sitting in class for once in my own world when Amanda walked in and excused herself for being late dew to a detention in biology about animalistic behavior she handed Ms. her pink slip proving her point and sat down next to the window that she in past classes making it clear to people not to touch. I don't know how she does it but she always manages to capture my attention even though she's not trying I mean what she is wearing today makes her look like an evil marvel characters girlfriend with the tiny skull that hangs from her belly button and her lose black hair with white tips. her eyes darted from the window and I put my head down breaking away from the hypnotizing look she has going on there. so, I was back to reality of how exhausted my body was.

time must have sped by when I came too, as class was half finished and nearly asleep so to keep my self-humored I looked back over at Amanda who was still staring outside the window. my eyes began to travel all over her body looking at her boobs and toned legs. she was fit like fitter than the average were wolf she jumped a little and scowled outside the window where I caught a glimpse of a grim looking buck character....max. wonder what's up his ass yes were friends and he has this cool guy aura but the way he's looking at Amanda looks urgent and somehow I want to protect her from him. The jump she probably had was max wanting to communicate telepathically well that was my guess anyway until she smirked and turned to look at Sarah the schools freak werewolf that was infested with nits that she claims to try to get rid of but they keep coming back but everyone knows she snacks on them when she gets hungry.

max on the other hand was fuming and by the time he smashed His way into the class room yelling

" we need to talk outside now" he was red and about to boil over the top. I whipped my head around to face Amanda who calmly store at her brother and silently sighed with annoyance. making it clear to everyone that she was fed up and bored.

she didn't make any move to show she was getting up so max began to walk over to her until the teacher spoke up highly irritated that max had disturbed her class "excuses me Mr. Adams! but whatever you have to say can wait for after class and that will be after your detention for being late unless you have a note to excuses you and your sister from the room"

max still fuming waited a few seconds before sitting down next to me boring holes into Amanda's head as she stores outside watching time go by for the rest of the class.

when the bell rang, I had to go and quickly met up with rex who as usual had Mikayla up against the locker man handling her for doing something wrong.

"rex ma man getting in there. whats the idiot done this time.?"

rex turned to face me his mates chest bare for the world to see as he just smiled

"yeah stupid bitch didn't wait for me at my locker said she was hungry and had to meet up with a friend. pts. yeah right I recon she was just trying to hide from me" he turned over to his sobbing mate who was trying to quietly pull down her shirt. "who said you could do that huh come here." he grabbed her by the arm and ripped off her shirt placing her in the middle of the walk way.

"do you mind if we go to the cafeteria I'm hungry and angry and you know how I get." I laughed at his comment drinking in his mates breasts that were bigger than her neck. it was cold out which made her get goose bumps and my eyes turned gold with lust.

"want some man?" rex pushed her over to me.

tempting very tempting but if Marti found out she would ditch me.

"Ill have to pass this time. I mean what if Marti finds out but if you come by with her tonight I'm sure we could teach both girls a lesson!"

rex laughed at my comment agreeing.

he turned back around as she tried to cover herself with her arms from the hungry eyes coming from all the guys around her and the glares that her female companions held.

"did i say you could do that?" rex yelled slapping her across the face making her scream out in pain when he switched from her arm to her hair dragging her down the hall and into the cafeteria.

Marti welcomed us as we approached the table turning her nose up at Mikayla.

" here guys I got your food. whats the dog done now?" she asked staring at rex as she handed him his no butter or mayo chicken and lettuce sandwich. "bitch said she had to ditch me for some friends."

the whole table began to laugh as rex pushed her top half onto the table so all the guys could see. we all knew she had no friends and that was thanks to rex...

"take a good look and feel if you like fellas I don't mind sharing after all, all she is is my personal sex slave." all the guys looked at their mates who shrugged and so they inched closer.

Mikayla looked at rex with heart broken eyes.

i don't know why but my gaze wandered over to the table Amanda usually sits at to find her staring at me with death glazed eyes which turned onto the guys who were slowly reaching over the table to touch Mikayla.

"SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!!" Mikayla screamed and that was the turning point the first guys hand who touched her breast was staked by a plastic fork and all I could do was try and figure out what happened until Amanda spoke up as he screamed with shock and pulled it out making blood spurt everywhere, where three of the girls fainted in our group and Mikayla shot her head up to where Amanda was now standing with a plastic fork.

"you guys make me sick. release my friend or face the consequences." she flipped the knife in the air letting it slice into the wooden chair like hot butter. wow I need to learn how to do that.

rex was now staring at Amanda in anger and dragged Mikayla over to her.

" are you the friend she was talking about." Mikayla whimpered. as he pointed roughly at her

"I do not need to answer to you. now get the fuck away from her she no longer belongs to someone like you, who is so desperate he has to force a mates bond on his very mate just to get her to stay with him. ".

rex threw a punch at Amanda who disappeared behind him and reappeared to whisper something in his ear making him stop for a moment.

"fine if you want to play like that I accept. gym period 5 and 6. but Ill be holding onto Mikayla." the bell rang and rex was cut off.

"see you there" Amanda said right as max slammed through the doors with blue hands and trudged right up to Amanda who began snort laughing which was like music to my ears. "AMANDA!" max screamed making Amanda stop for a moment and crack up into hysterics once again running out the door.

with rex screaming from his place feeling put out that he was being ignored.


I don't know what she promised but by the look on his face it was something good and that's when I noticed it. I didn't do anything to protect my pack members from that fork or when rex confronted her. neither did I try to do anything as punishment to her for doing it.

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