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A/N: sorry for all past future and current spelling errors will try to fix soon.

Jessica's pov

"Wow wee Jessica oh sorry I mean Amanda my bad the fake names confuse me a bit." Sam said once he shifted back into his human skin And putting on some pants. All While waving his hand around.

"Well let's just be totally honest Sam you were never one known for the brains. That was always me. But I must say Good job and that's a great start to your trip to hells firey Gates of love. I mean come on what kind of mad devil would turn down a rapist and murder!-"

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH YOU LYING BITCH." Sam cut me off earning a few respectful and full of them self smirks and nods.

I turned so I completely faced him.

"Tell me Jess-" Sam began smiling well that was until I cut him off as payback and because he was threatening my identity.

"The name isn't Jess it never was and i have no idea where you got that horrid name from. My name is... Well let me think for a minuet... None of your fucking business. And while where on that topic I've been sent on my businesses behalf. So let me introduce my self you disturbed little mutts or should I say do-" i got a right hook to the fucking face before I could finish By none other than my brother.
He was wearing one of the demon skinned suits that matches it's user. each member of the deck gets one. only the Kings and queens get the best of the best and I'm not joking its like 100✖️ better. I spat out blood from my mouth whilst glaring at him about to serve him right back.

"Geeze Shut up Jess the gigs up they know who you are get over it. Or should I say on with it. I'm hungry and I want a cheese burger and yea, I know I'm just babaling but I'm so excited I haven drained someone's blood in ages so let's make it a competition I get Rex you get Ryan we save Sam for last and we injure but not kill the rest of them? Who ever gets the most wolfs gets a free Mac Donald's meal on the loser!"

I smiled at him.

Mikis pov

What the fuck is going on here. One minuet I'm being entered by some filthy disgusting finger that's been who the hell knows where the next Jess screams and in a flash she is standing not beside but on top of the same man who violated me dead body which my I fact was disembowelled and with out a heart. That just happen to be in her mouth and hand.

I looked into her eyes at that moment and I whimpered. Instead of finding happy go lucky Jess I found a ruthless blood thirsty revenge mangled Jess. A true monster.


-gets a free Mac Donald's meal on the loser!" Elliot said smiling revealing his own inner monster.

I looked between them both. Jess was smiling with a challenge in her eye and Same with her brother.

"Deal brother." Her voice was different to as if she enjoyed doing what she was doing.


There playing a game of who ever injures the most people just to get a free Mac Donald's meal as a prize? Like I love my fucking Mac Donald's but this it to far. My mouth is on the floor but shut straight away as I saw a flicker of jesses eye look my way.

There was so many werewolf's
and not to mention an alpha and beta and ex- third in command as well as current.
I looked back at Jess who was now turning to face surely death.

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