chapter 25

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jessicas pov

"PLEAE SOMEBODY HELP!, Mikayla yelled it was the breaking point which made me move, I was eating pasta bake I had only just started got and the lady gave me a fork and knife because she ran out of knife forks.

Pulling the fork out of my mouth I made eye contact with Sam and threw the fork as the first guys hand came into contact with her breast it landed right in the center, going straight through, not that many people noticed due to the blood that came spurting out as the dick head removed it causing some of the girls around the table to faint.

Mikayla's head shot up from the scene and her eyes made contact with mine, the hurt and rejection from everyone disappearing as she looked at me standing up like I was her savior in which I was with this situation. The whole cafeteria had gone quiet. Staring both at me and the guy I stabbed.

"you guys make me sick you always have and always will when your last toys go you find a new one. next person to touch her will get the knife. release my friend or face consequences." I said flipping the knife into the air with enough force that it landed hard into the wooden chair I was sitting on before.

"Are you the friend She was talking about." Rex yelled from the table squeezing really hard onto Mikaylas arm bruising it badly in the process as he dragged her across the room still naked.

My wolf growled in the back of my mind edging me on further to rip out his throat.

"I do not need to answer to you. now get the fuck away from her she no longer belongs to someone like you, who is so desperate he has to force a mates bond on his very mate just to get her to stay with him. ". I spoke with authority making some of the weaker wolfs bend to my will bowing their heads. Rex saw it to and threw a really sloppy punch not liking his authority challenged as second in command. I easily dodged going behind him.

"Do you want to do this officially or does death tempt you too much. How's this. if we do it officially and you win I will become your personal toy alongside Mikayla I'll be at your beck and call for the rest of my life but if I win... Mikayla belongs to me for the rest of her life as a free person under my protection." I looked over at Mikayla. Who was covering her top half from some dickheads who walked in and didn't notice the tension in the room.

Rex was still frozen at my voice as if the world had stopped and he was about to die. He just as soon recovered when I pulled away. He turned around and looked at my body deciding if I was worth it. Before getting cocky and announcing to everyone his soon to be lost ego.

"fine if you want to play like that I accept. gym period 5 and 6 best but Ill be holding onto Mikayla. Till then." The deadly mood dropped and turned into silent laughter as max charged into the cafeteria like a bull.

"AMANDA!!" He yelled his hands blue with the chemical reaction I put in his Detol that I broke into his locker to tamper with. He looked part smurf making me laugh in to hysterics down the hall so he didn't catch me. Yes, I'm a queen assassin but he's a King and to be totally honest I didn't want to make him feel unequal to me. He still is a bastard for leaving me but a part inside me is still light but only as big as 3 pin holes in black paper held up to the sun.

Rex's POV

Her voice was deadly and cold as if killing someone wouldn't mean anything to her. It was just the way I wanted my new sex slave to be hot beautiful and deadly in attitude. I still had Mikayla in my hands with a bare chest dry heaving from crying to hard. We were walking to the gym were alpha Sam, max and the principle were waiting for our match.

Setting foot inside the gym I took my place on the mat shoving Mikayla over to the side where she fell to the ground just as Amanda walked in with her PE gear on stretching her arms over her head making her breasts pop out.

She smiled over at Mikayla on the ground and looked back over at me walking onto the Matt death staring her brother down in silent communication rolling her eyes at whatever comment he said.

The principle stood in the middle of the room and began discussing the terms.

"First to be knocked unconscious or to surrender to the opponent losses. If Rex losses he will lose all right to Mikayla. If Amanda losses she will lose all right to freedom becoming Rex's personal slave. Last few chances to decide on last minute details." The principle spoke looking at us both tired of her job. Her green eyes were dull and boring and her blonde hair going grey from stress.

Amanda nodded.

"no fighting in second skins. that is all." the principle looked over to me to see If I accept which I nodded urgently to. this will only make it so much easier.

Me and Amanda shook our heads saying no and the principle as she asked once again if we wanted anything to change and backed to the side of the Mat raising her arm ready to pull it down. I have one last glance at Mikayla who was so shocked at the prizes of the match and began to run to Amanda. But stopped dead in her tracks by me well at least I thought until I saw her eyes staring at Amanda.

"I appreciate your concern but I was the one who ordered this duel and if I back out then I'm just as bad as the people who didn't help you back in the cafeteria now sit down and watch me give the guy you hate the ass kicking he needs" Mikayla dropped to the floor in absolute quietness watching as her only friend about to lose all right to her humanity.

The principle dropped her arm and our eyes locked my thrashing blue waves against her starving gun metal greys.

"Let the ass kicking begin" she whispered creepily over to me making me snarl in laughter and nervousness.

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