Chapter II

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Dried blood stained my wrists and hands, I stared numbly at my reflection in the mirror. I literally felt drained. I haven't had an actual meal in what felt like weeks, my sunken stomach proved that fact.

The sides of my shirt were soaked with my blood. I removed my clothing slowly, my eyes stayed on my feet trying to avoid my lifeless form. I turned on the shower, then stepped in. To my surprise, the water was nice and warm. A sigh of contentment escaped my lips.

I grabbed the bar of soap and held it up to my nose. The scent nearly made my knees buckle, I continued to sniff it until I realized how weird it seemed.

I'm smelling a man's bar of soap.

Nonetheless, I started to scrub my body so that the soap lathered. After, I washed my hair with the men's shampoo and conditioner.

I quickly rinsed off, then stepped out of the shower. I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around my body. It took me a few minutes to muster up the courage to crack open the door leading back to the bedroom. The room was seemingly empty.

"Hello?" I called. No answer.

With that, I hesitantly stepped into the room. I walked over to the bed, a small pile of clothes caught my eye. When I got closer, I realized it was clothing that the man must've laid out.

I dressed hoping they were sitting on the bed for my use.

The boxers stopped just above my mid thigh, and the shirt was just above my knees. The scent of these clothes made me want to sink further into the comfort they brought.

I froze in my place when I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"U-um... come in?"

Valak entered the room hesitantly.

"I apologize, I know I said you wouldn't be disturbed." His eyes scanned my body quickly. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably trying to shake his gaze.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he shut the door behind him. I then noticed a tray of food he balanced on his left palm.

I bit my lip nervously and nodded. His eyes went to my lips for a moment, I quickly released my lip from my teeth.

"I had a meal prepared for you. Come, sit over here." He patted a spot on the end of the bed. I walked over to the bed and slowly sat.

"When's the last time you've eaten?"

I honestly didn't have a proper answer. It's definitely been a few days. My fellow prisoners weren't so keen on sharing the portions they obtained.

"I-I'm not sure." I shrugged.

"I had the... staff make you vegetable soup. Eat slowly."

I nodded in acknowledgement. He had such a deep, rich voice. I couldn't help but wish he'd speak again.

He set the tray on my lap and watched me shakily pick up the spoon. I scooped up a spoonful of soup and tried bringing it up to my lips. More than half of the spoonful fell back into the bowl. I couldn't tell if I was shaking so badly from lack of nourishment, or sheer nervousness.

The man grew frustrated by my struggle. He huffed and held out his hand for the spoon.

He remained silent as he scooped vegetables into the spoon and held it before my lips.

I brought my eyes up to his black ones. Our intense gazes locked onto one another's as I took the first bite. I thought I heard a low grow vibrate through his chest.

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