Chapter XXX

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I spent most of the week faxing my transcripts to the Secret-Vampires-Only-College, aka Dumitru University. Valak insisted he'd do it himself, but I knew that was highly unlikely; especially when he doesn't even want me going in the first place. 

But, he didn't stop me from leaving the castle this morning in a black, tinted SUV. Two of his guards sat in the front of the vehicle. The drive is a little under an hour so I decided to add some volume to the stuffy, silent car.

"So, um-- how are you guys doing?" I asked politely. The two large men spared each other a glance before silently deciding to ignore me.

I rolled my eyes, "Valak won't kill you guys for speaking to me." 

The brunette in the passenger seat gulped as if thinking otherwise. Well, at least I know they understand english. I threw my hands in the air dramatically and huffed in annoyance.

"I'm doing fine, ma'am. How are you?" The driving one asked, his english was slightly accented, a small smile playing on his lips. His hair was slightly darker than his partners. His tan complexion was complimented greatly by his light, hazel eyes. He looked young, early twenties maybe, but I knew he was probably much older than that. 

"I'm good, a little nervous though." I sighed truthfully. His piercing eyes in the rearview mirror softened when we accidentally locked gazes.

"There's no need for anxiousness, a majority of the students are gone to tend to their kingdom duties." He explained. I felt slightly reassured at that, but then I remembered that most of the students are gone to train for the upcoming war. 

"I guess that's good for me then."

Gabriel and I chatted the rest of the way. It was small talk really, but it was nice to get some socialization rather than awkward silence. Danut, or Dan, was mostly silent, but he'd chime in every once in awhile.

When we arrived, they dropped me off in the front where I nervously made my way inside. I only have two classes today. History and calculus, which aren't all that bad on a good day.

After History, I had lunch by myself, then made my way to my calculus class. Students eyed me for a few moments as I entered, it even quieted quite a bit. I avoided their stares and made my way to the far end of the classroom. Valak warned that not many students get 'transferred' in the middle of the year; but it's not like I wasn't used to it from high school.

No one spoke a word, but I noticed a few give each other looks. I sat alone. Everyone went back to chatting making me sigh in slight relief. I checked the time to see that the professor was a few minutes late.

"Hey." I furrowed my brows and glanced up from my laptop to see a short, redhead smiling politely down at me. Her long, dark lashes framed her bright green eyes. Her hair was just above her shoulders, but the look suited her extremely well.

"Oh, hi." I said with less enthusiasm than intended. My tone didn't seem to phase the beautiful ginger. 

"May I sit?" I nodded and she took the seat beside me.

"I'm Scarlett." That's such a pretty name, it suits the ruby-haired beauty.

"I'm Livia, nice to meet you."

We made small talk until the professor arrived and began to lecture. Two and a half hours later, Scarlett and I were making our way out of the classroom. 

"I'm sorry if I came off as desperate, it's just... I moved here a few weeks ago, and not many people here are from America. I'm not too great at speaking Romanian..." She trailed off. 

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