Chapter XLI

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W A R N I N G : Lots of fucking violence.

... Also, play the song.

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Two and a Half Months Later


We didn't have much longer. Soon my army would have the ruins of my castle surrounded. Asmodeus wouldn't expect us to retaliate so soon after being defeated. We wore coats that masked our scents, and held weapons with the intent to kill. We would come from all sides, allowing no being a means of escaping.

Hours later, the familiar scent the woods around my fallen castle invaded my nostrils. It was just the beginning of my high. This was the long drag, next was the full explosion of ecstasy.

Our eyes were hard set on the castle that stood firmly despite it being purposely mutilated.

Orcus, Cyrus, and Xavier should've led their groups to surround the castle by now. I waited for each to send a quick text signalling that they're in their positions. Once those texts were received, it was time to take action. 

Swiftly, one fourth of my group followed me to the hidden entrances of my castle. It only took about twenty minutes to make it into the heart of the castle. The fallen ones must've not thoroughly scooped out my palace. 

It wasn't long before we were sticking our weapons into flesh of our enemies. Their deaths were silent enough for us to continue on undetected. It went on this way for less than an hour before we were discovered overall. It didn't matter to me, seeing as I'd made it to my ultimate destination. 

The spell linking Livia's life with Asmodeus's was broken. My blood had many benefits: with it in her system, it flushed out any spell on her so-to-speak. A downside was the protection spell being severed, but it would have to do for now.

Asmodeus sat on my throne, an apple in hand. A low chuckle vibrated through my chest and was noticeably felt by him. 

How embarrassing, Asmodeus was throwing a celebration. No wonder it took us so long to get caught. 

The room crowded with fallen ones fell silent. They all looked on with faces of amusement. They saw no threat. My beast internally snickered at the thought, Better to be underestimated, I mentally agreed. Yes, yes it was. 

Asmodeus stood from my throne after downing the apple in one gulp. He was in his presentable, human-like form. Halfwit wanted to play house and dress up. Even in that form, something about him was oddly familiar. 

"Ah, look everyone, dinner has arrived!" He announced. The room was filled with laughter. The low growl that erupted from my chest was sure to silence their mockery.

"I came for my throne." My words brought on another round of laughter. If only they knew lengths I would go to to sever each of their lives. The thought was enough to bring a noticeable smirk to my features. 

"I'll humor you." Asmodeus chuckled. Our gazes never wavered from one another as his form slowly grew. His modest form was soon replaced by the beast he truly was. His cloud-like eyes were no longer leveled with mine. It was I who looked up at him. 

A low growl from my chest shook the walls. That beast took my mate from me. He used her. Hurt her. Broke her. He endangered not only her, but my child growing inside her womb. This was my vowel to my Livia, my sprouting child, my daughter Lilith, and my kingdom. I would never allow anything like this to happen again. Ever

Give Me Life✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora