Chapter XXI

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M A T U R E C O N T E N T 1 7 +


Lilith and I decided to take over the dance floor. Soon, the ball turned into what most would describe as a fancy nightclub.

The dj started playing faster paced songs that allowed the loners to dance. Not everyone here had a mate.

Never Forget You by Zara Larsson began to play, and the lights dimmed. Valak may have let me to put a few songs in the playlist. He mentioned that it wasn't a strictly formal ball and that werewo--lycanthrope were known as party animals.

Almost everyone was on the dancefloor dancing their hearts out. Some wore their masks, while others removed them. I was lost in the music, my hips swaying to the catchy toon. Lilith took awhile to loosen up, but once she noticed no one cared, she began to dance as well.

Many of the older vampires and lycanthrope left after an hour of slowjams. Valak disappeared for awhile at the same time Cyrus did about a half hour ago, that really pissed me off.

I ignored the stinging in my chest and danced even harder. I took another gulp of my wine and rose my arms above my head. Lilith even seemed a bit tipsy. She was smiling so beautifully, I almost thought it wasn't her for a moment. We twirled and laughed at one another.

"I've never been to a ball like this!" Lilith yelled over the music."

"Girl, I'll have to take you clubbing sometime!"

I gasped when large arms gripped my hips possessively. I stopped dancing and got ready to throw my drink at whoever it was holding me like--

I froze, "It's time to leave." Valak said darkly.

"But I'm having fun." I whined. The alcohol in my system brought me confidence.

"You're drunk, and dancing too suggestively for my liking." He growled.

"Hm, so you don't like it?" I teased as I pressed my ass into his crouch. I giggled when he let out a low groan.


"Dance with me, this song reminds me of you." I slurred. Valak seemed to listen to the words for a moment before letting out a chuckle.

"After this, you're going to bed." I pouted, but continued dancing against him despite my distaste towards his words.

I was a little shocked Valak danced so fluently to this type of music. He held my hips and ground himself against me rhythmically. I sighed in pleasure when he began kissing my neck. It was dark, and everyone seemed lost in either themselves or their other half. I didn't know which category I fell in.

We danced so intimately. Everywhere he slide his hands, heat soon followed. I was smiling so wide, our bodies seemed to know each other better than we did. We fit so well.

Before the song came to an end, I opened my eyes and turned to face Valak. His eyes blended with the darkness the room now held. A shiver than through me at the intense look he sent me. He wanted me and he wanted me now.

Take me.

I made sure all of my emotions pushed that thought out to him. A low growl vibrated through his chest. Message received.

I was in his arms and suddenly thrown on something plush, and soft. I smiled deviously when I realized it was a bed. His bed.

Before he could pounce me, I sat up and crossed my arms, "Where did you two disappear to?"

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