Chapter XXXIII

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I could see it in her eyes. Her heart knew me, but her mind didn't. In order to protect her sanity, her brain locked away everything that would drive her mad. Including me.

I took slow, careful steps towards her shivering, frail form. Her faint heartbeat was beginning to pound against her chest the closer I got. She couldn't help but scoot further into the wall, although I could tell she sensed my protective ora towards her. I'd never hurt her, and in a way, she knew that.

"Livia?" I let the stale air carry her name to her ears. Her emotions whirled. She felt confusion for recognizing the name, yet not knowing how that was.

When I was close enough, I kneeled by her side. It was at that moment I realized the horrors she'd experienced to put her mind and body in this state. Her bones threatened to tear her beaten skin. The stench of vomit infected the air that allowed me to see my breath vaporize.

She wasn't the same, nor will she ever be. Her life will continue on, but in constant fear that the most dangerous creature that would never harm would fail her again. Perhaps I would never earn that part of her heart again. The part that trusted me with her life. The very life I've damned to this fate.

When I was close enough I slowly reached for her. A pang of pain clenched my heart when she began to silently cry. She was confused and hopeless, even while I posed no threat.

She didn't dare speak. Nor lift her head knowing the darkness would offer her no sight. I curled my arm back to my body and quickly removed my suit jacket.

"Darling, I won't hurt you. You're very cold, I'm just going to place my jacket over you." I explained gently.

My words offered no comfort, but once my jacket was placed over her body, I knew my scent somehow would. I watched as she slowly took in the smell and pulled the garment slightly closer.

I took that as my cue to reach for her again. Her heart rate skyrocketed once she sensed my movement.

"I'm going to lift you and take you somewhere safe." I needed to touch her.

Livia made no indication of resisting. My strength always denied me the true pull of gravity, but I knew once she was in my arms that she was much lighter than before.

Though she didn't protest, her mind raced with doubts of her rescuer. She cursed her body for being too weak to move.

I held back a growl at the stench of other males covering her body. I would slaughter everyone of them after unspeakable torture for what they've done.

"Everything is okay now. I won't let you get hurt again." I whispered as we made our way out of the cell. Orcus was already making his hasty way down the chamber littered hallway.

"He's gone." He said lowly. The sudden voice startled Livia. I pulled her closer and whispered comforting words before addressing Orcus.

"Have them continue searching. Everywhere." I simply ordered.

Orcus nodded before glancing done at Livia's half naked body. A low growl erupted from my chest at the male who eyed my vulnerable mate. Orcus quickly averted his eyes understandably to the fabric clutched by his fist.

"Here, you left this behind when you went searching for her. The car is warm and ready for your departure." With that said, he handed me the enchanted blanket and scurried off to announce my orders.

I wrapped the blanket around Livia as soon as it was in my grasp. She would be cold for quite some awhile, but it'll help for the time being.

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