Chapter XV

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"Poor, little one." The deep voice said mockingly.

"I sense your minds un-wellness, it's bending further than it can handle. Soon, you just might snap."

I ignored him the best I could until his hand came around my neck. The voice laughed, obviously enjoying my unamused expression.

"An ill mind is always a shame. Yours will only grow sicker." He spat.

I tried my best not to flinch away, but when his voice deepened toward the end of that sentence, I couldn't help it.

My eyes widened.

I can move?

I began willing my arms to move, but the most I could get was the twitch of a finger. But I could move my neck.

"You're weak, you're going to need to call for help again. Go on, just like we rehearsed."

I shook my head refusing to call out. Why did he want me to get help?

"You're the damsel dammit! Call. Out." He shouted.

"N-no." I whispered.

"Do I need to remind you of what happened last time you defied me?" His voice sounded as if it wore a smile.

"No." I said quietly.

I gasped as his thin, long finger trailed down my bare back. His nail scraped a thin layer of skin.

"Stop it!" I shouted. I couldn't move away from his touch. I shriveled into myself, trying to will my body to move.

"I love it when they scream." He growled. The hairs on the back of my neck rose where his breath hit. 

His hands gripped the skin on my hips harshly, his nails dug into my skin making me cry out. His hands steadily lowered themselves, when they got to my lower stomach, I was screaming for him to stop. 

My eyes snapped open suddenly. I rose from a comfy surface with tears streaming down my cheeks. My arm and ribs ached dully, I groaned at the feeling. My breaths were coming out in harsh pants. I could feel my heart pounding to be let out of my chest.

"Livia, baby, look at me." I flinched and jumped away from the abrupt voice. 

"Get away!" I cried. 

"Hey, look, it's me. It's Valak." 

I froze, "V-Valak?" I questioned skeptically. 

My vision cleared, allowing me to see the flawless being before me. Valak looked down at me worriedly, he was sat on the bed leaning over me slightly. 

"Yes, darling, it's me." 

Brutal memories attacked my mind at full force. The most monstrous of them all were when my eyes were closed and the sounds of piercing screams. 

When Valak reached out for me, I moved my body away from his until my back hit the backboard. 

"Hey, I know you're scared. I never meant for anything like that to happen, they were suppose to protect you. I never meant..." His voice trailed off, "... for you to see me like that."

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