chapter 6: His friends

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

I pressed my hand against my stomach with a soft touch. A loud grumble came from it and I closed my eyes with a sigh. I knew I shouldn't have listened to Liam. I was hungry and pissed which was not a good mixture. I spun my head towards the woman who stood over me. "I'm not pregnant!" I snapped at her making her mouth open in shock. She was probably horrified that she tried to kill an non-existing baby. "I-" she tried to justify herself but I cut her off. "you tried to harm me and a child if  it had been there"

She breathed out in shock, looking around her to see if anyone actually believed me. "you're accusing me?" she asked as if its the most nonsense thing she's heard. Yes Bitch, I am.

"Adeline" Liam's deep voice boomed in my ear and I glanced up to see him standing there. His eyes scanned me carefully and I huffed. I squinted my eyes closed, embracing myself for Liam to kill me for making a scene but instead I felt his cold arms hold me. I opened my eyes and stared at the man in front of me.

His eyes scanned every inch of my body and his hands ran against my skin delicately, as if he's comforting me. "are you hurt?" he asks, flicking his eyes between me and my body. I sensed panic in his voice. Was he worried about me?  I couldn't tell because his eyes showed both worry and murder. "I-I'm fine" I began to stutter and mentally slapped myself. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against my shoulder "Thank God" he whispered with a sigh of relief. 

At that moment I felt it. My heart sending a electrical shock through my body, causing a tingling sensation. I awkwardly, tugged on Liam's sleeve and he took that as an indication to get the F off of me. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me up. I gritted my teeth in pain.Jesus could that woman have thrown me any harder?

"Aunt Katherine" Liam breathed "I understand you have something against me but please don't touch my Fiancee"

He didn't give her a chance to speak and whisked me away, pushing past the crowd of people. I didn't dare to speak as we got inside the car and he began to drive. I kept glancing at him every few seconds, waiting for him to say something. The awkwardness was killing me.

"what?" He finally speaks.

I quickly shake my head "nothing"

He gives me a side glance before speaking again "you alright?"

A smile crept up on my lips. He was worried about me after all. "yeah" I replied.

The silence was back again and I cursed at myself for not making conversation quick enough.

"what was all that worrying about?" I asked him curiously referring back to the party.

"an act" he replies simply, rejecting any hope of care he may have had for me. My lips form into a scowl as the silence returns."Your staying at mines" he said clearing his throat and cautiously looking at me. I Snorted "no way"

He doesn't take that as an answer and still heads to his place. "What about that dinner you promised me?" I ask, slamming the door closed.  He threw his keys somewhere and ran his hands through his perfectly imperfect hair. "Shit I forgot" he replied "I'll cook you dinner"

I stared at him "you can cook?"

He smiled sticking his tongue out in amusement "I can try"

That doesn't answer my question.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind him to his gorgeous kitchen which I obviously had a sneak peak at while I was staying last week. He takes his blazer off and rolls his shirt sleeve up, revealing his strong masculine arms. "what should I make?" he asks as he begins to rage through his fridge. "What can you make?" I retort with a questionable expression. He didn't answer and began to open packets and do his own thing. He actually seemed like he knew what he was doing, surprisingly.

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