I'm sorrry

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I'm ready

For all the slaps  and swearing and any objects thrown at me.

I apologise sincerely for the lack of updates...any updates to be more specific in the past- year? Oh gosh im a horrible writer. I'm so sorry to you all. I've been so lazy and just not bothered with this so I've been avoiding it like crazy but at the same time I'm crazy about Liam and Adeline. I've been having writers block which doesn't make this any better. At the same time I have exams, assignments and placements coming up so I just ignore everything important in my life and watch kdramas all day. This doesn't make the situation better either.

Guyyys what should I do? Wattpad is the one place I love and it's just a place I let my imagination go wild [ ;)] but I feel so dang lost. Should I continue with this story or just release 1 out of the 100 stories I have as drafts😂😂 save me guys 😂😂

I'm sorry again. I adore you all and love replying to comments 😭😭😭😭😭 

Forget me. How have you all been?

Ps: if you guys have personal Instagram you use for normal stuff  and for wattpad then l follow me guys I'll like update about the story there maybe. Follow me on dreameroverboard.

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