chapter 18: I'm not my father

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*unedited so may contain lots of grammar mistakes*

"It's 3am" I said.

"I know" he said.

"We're not engaged anymore" I remind him.

"I know"

"So why the heck are you standing outside my house?" I snapped, frustrated and tired which was not a good mixture.

Liam finished his cigar off and threw it on the ground before stamping on it, hard.

"It's the same for you. Why are you waiting out here at 3am with me?" Liam asked, a cocky smile spread across his face.

I gulped.

Now that I'm think about it, why on earth am I standing on my porch at 3am? Scratch that why did I even open my freaking door to him?!

"I uh-"

"You missed me" he said, cutting me off.

I snort. "Says the man outside my house at 3am"

A smile spread across his lips. "I missed you"

I took in a deep breath as I could feel my heart racing. My eyes locked with his and for a single moment I felt like there was nothing besides him.

And I wished it would be like this

I snapped back to reality as his face began to resemble that man.

It all came back to me. The reason why I broke off our 'engagement' in front of his family and the reason why I've been avoiding him for the past week. He resembled the murderer that took everything away from me.

How could I marry a man who shared the features of the killer?

"Liam" I breathed, intoxicated by the memories of that man "please, let's not do this anymore"

I wanted to forget but as long as Liam was in front of me those memories were raw.

Liam's smile dropped and he ran his hands through his wet hair out of frustration.

"You can't expect me to be OK with you walking out on me" he said, chewing on his bottom lip.

I fiddle with my fingers. I didn't have the heart to tell Liam that his father was a monster and I couldn't marry him because of that reason.

"It was fake from the beginning" I sighed "I'm tired, Liam"

"Me too" he growled before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulders. I began to scream in shock as my fist collides with his back.

"Liam!" I yell "what are you doing?"

He walked over to his car and threw me into the passenger seat.

"You're tired right? Let's go home then" he said. His voice suddenly deepened and his eyes were blazing with anger.

I tried to escape but he pinned me down, hovering over me. I forgot how to breath so I held my breath as he crawled on top of me, closing the door behind him. He jumped into the drivers seat and smiled with satisfaction as he locked the door.

Clever jerk

"You thought I was going to do something?" Liam asked, chuckling at my red cheeks.

"Shut up" I hiss.

The whole ride was silent as I thought of escape plans.

We finally reached the mansion and Liam stood next to me waiting for me to get out while I refused.

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