chapter 20: ripped wedding dress & runaway bride..and groom?!

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"we're about to get married within an hour" Liam said.

"I know" I uttered.

"then how the fuck did you end up ripping your wedding dress?!" he snapped.

"oh my God" I cried, burying my face into my hands.

Nothing screams disaster on your wedding day more than your ripped wedding dress. Did I mention the wedding is in an hour?

Liam paced back and forth. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his blazer revealing his white shirt underneath. He glanced at the dress which laid on the floor ripped in half and sighed out of frustration.

"Let's stay calm" I utter trying to keep him from exploding.

"Adeline, the wedding is-"

"Shh" I whisper cutting him off.

"Did you just shush me-?"

"Shhh it's okay"

Liam groaned and I instantly shut my mouth from annoying him ever further.

"Alright we just gotta solve this" Liam mumbled reassuring us both "we just buy a new one"

The whole plan seemed totally legit until I realised all the guests had arrived not on time but before. There was no way we'd be able to walk out without having all of them go all paparazzi on us.

"Everyone's already here" I said "we can't just walk out there"

A smile carved on Liam's lips. "Who said anything about walking out?"

My heart practically leaped out of my chest as Liam's hand slid into mine as he dragged me out of the brides room.

"This is a bad idea" I whispered, panicking as guests walked past as we hid behind tables.

Liam snorts "you got any better ideas?"

"No" I paused "but-"

"Exactly" he snorts again cutting me off.

I roll my eyes and snatch my hand out of his grip. He looked at me and I scowled at him. I noticed a smile was fighting against his lips to appear as he grabbed my hand again.

I fought back a squeam and a fangirl moment.

We moved again and managed to get into the main lobby.

"What if we get caught?" I whisper as we hid behind the table which was inches away from the escape door.

Liam gazed at me. He bit his lips and a smirk appeared.


I suddenly felt my body being yanked towards the door as I continued to gawk at Liam in confusion.

What? Huh? Wait? Why are we running and why are men in black chasing after us?

"Liam?!" I panicked, stumbling forward and falling into his arms. A laugh escaped his lips as he shoved me into his car before getting in the other side.

"Sir!" An middle aged man chased after us banging against the car window as Liam switched on the car "sir you can't just leave with the bride! You're about to get married!"

The man was distressed and desperate to stop us from escaping.

Liam leaned over me and I sucked in my breath. I gulped hard as his eyes flickered to mine and back to the man.

"We'll be back for the wedding Alfred" Liam said, before hitting the gas and speeding out of the site.

"This is a really bad idea" I mumbled rubbing my temples. I could feel the future headaches which I will be receiving from Liam's whole family coming. His grandfather might actually murder me. After all, he chose the wedding dress.

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