chapter 31: it's finally over

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"I'm not ready for the commitment" I said, staring deeply at the handsome guy drinking his coffee at the back of the store.

"Clearly" Adrian snorts.

I snap my head towards him and nod a few times to make sure he understood that it was me who is divorcing Liam and not the other way round. When he finally agrees to it at least.

Two days. Two whole days and I still haven't heard from that idiot even though I've left him only 10 messages so I don't sound like a creep. Thats not including the voice mails

I sigh, gazing my attention back to the hottie and distract myself from my complicated relationship situation.

My phone suddenly buzzes and Liam's face flashes up on the screen. I panic for a moment and stare at Adrian wide eyed. "I'm not ready to speak to him" I gasp holding the phone to Adrian.

His eyebrows furrow. " it was only a minute ago you left a message yelling at him to call you" he utters.

I shrug. "Yeah but that was a minute ago and this is now"

Adrian tuts at me before pressing the answer button and dashing off the hide somewhere I can't find.

I curse under my breath before holding the phone to my ear and dreading his voice

"What do you want?" I hiss. Jesus can I sound more happy?

There was a slight pause before a voice spoke.


"I'm hanging up" I grunt, frustrated.

I hear a deep familiar chuckle before someone pleas "no no wait Adeline" he says.

"Jase" I mumble.

"Hi. Listen, I'm calling cause Liam uh- he's dying" he uttered.

I blink a few times. Hell no he ain't. Not until my divorce papers come through.

"Thanks. Just let him know he needs to sign the papers before he does" I reply back with pure sarcasm at his nonsense.

Jase snorts. "Wow you really are amazing an wife" he laughs "but no seriously. He's really ill and I think you need to see him"

I sigh, refusing to believe him and hung up on him instead. It didn't take long until my phone buzzed again and an image appeared on the screen on Liam in bed with a drip in his arm.

My heart dropped slightly. Wait,so he wasn't lying. Wow what a wonderful human I am to care more about my papers.
I chew on my lip, throwing myself back and forth on weather I should go and see him.

Maybe I should go for the support.

"Adrian!" I called.

He slowly came out from hiding and stood in front of me.

"Liam, uh- he's ill"

"And you what me to find you a new husband?" He teased.

I look at him with a straight face.

"Alright I'll grab my car" he mumbled.

I quickly hand my stuff over to the other staff and run outside to meet Adrian in his car. We head towards Liam's grandfathers house.

Liam can't die on me right now. Not at this moment in time.

We finally reached and Adrian dropped my ass before speeding off and leaving me to deal with this myself. I wasn't prepared to face his grandfather nor his father or his brother. Heck I wasn't ready to face this marriage.

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