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      "Damn audi" Mahz hissed as she tugged on his dreads while retwisting the last batch. Mahz understood what kennedy was saying but he couldn't give up Audrey doing his hair. She didn't understand how hard it was to find someone who could twist your hair just the way you wanted it. Audrey was quick with this shit and I just felt comfortable with her doing his hair. Everybody else that did it was on some lustful shit meanwhile Audrey did her job and dipped. 

Mahz was honest with her about some of the things kennedy said about her doing his hair last time. She kept her responses respectful but made a mental note to block Kennedy. She was sure that nobody was sending her those snaps and that she was just watching her from a fake snap.

This time she decided not to post him and they were at her place so she was able to set up in her living room with a decent height chair keeping him from sitting in between her legs. That's the only thing she agreed with kennedy on. Him sitting in between her legs was a bit much and she would have felt the same way but for her to say she wanted her man was crazy. She's never wanted a taken man. 

"Stop all that damn whining mahz i'm almost done" She fussed. He huffed while holding his head still. "You're the one that hired me to do your hair. You knew I was heavy handed before I came over here"

Mahz kept quiet knowing if he said the wrong thing she'd pop his head with the comb again. "Can I get a drink or something" He asked making her pause. "Go to the kitchen"

Getting up his bones popped as he stretched. He went into her kitchen eyeing the wine decor. It was a nice sized kitchen and it smelled amazing. Opening the fridge he spotted the food she had cooked earlier before he came. "Hungry as fuck" He mumbled to himself before fixing a plate. He went in the fridge before grabbing a Body armor. 

Mahz placed hisself at the kitchen island as he descreetly scrolled through Audrey's instagram. She was so closed off and even with her doing his hair as often as she did he still didn't know much about her. Hearing the microwave beep he rubbed his hands together before rushing to his plate.

It was almost twelve in the morning and he hadn't ate since around 4 that afternoon. Picking up his phone he saw a text from Akeem stating that things at the trap were back moving smoothly and he had eliminated the problem. He shook his head knowing that meant he had killed somebody. 

"Mahz I know damn well" Audrey entered the kitchen with her hands crossed looking at his plate. "Ma come on i'm starving I haven't ate all day" He pleaded while rubbing his growling belly. She rolled her eyes before grabbing a poptart out of the cabinet. "Well we need to hurry up i'm sure kennedy is waiting on you"

"Nah I told her i'm staying with my oldest brother tonight since he's in town. We always crash at his crib for at least two nights when he come down just to catch up with the nigga" She nodded. It was quiet for a moment as he ate and she scrolled on her phone. This food was good as hell too. Mahz would shake his head every now and then as he ate from how good it was. He didn't even eat out of everybody's kitchen but when he walked in while she was cooking earlier he had to. It smelled too good. The steak was just the way he liked it.

If he wasn't eating a home cooked meal from his mother then he wasn't getting one since kennedy's food wasn't appetizing to him. He would never tell her that but he often offered takeout or food from his restaurants all the time to soothe the blow.

"where your loud ass cousin" Mahz asked with an unreadable facial expression. She grilled the hell out of him when his mother sent him to check on Audrey during the trip.  She laughed at his question. He hadn't seen her since he had been there and he damn sure didn't hear her.  "She's with her man tonight"

" Come on chop chop we ain't got time for this" She said rushing him and taking her poptart back to the living room.

Two hours later and she was completely done. Mahz looked at his phone noticing it was nearing 2 am. Yawning he stood up stretching before going to the mirror. " Damn you snap on a nigga shit every time". 

He pulled out six hundred dollars handing it to her. She eyed him with an attitude making him chuckle. She was always irritated at the amount he tried to pay her for simple retwists. She was grateful but he was overdoing it. "After all your mom has done for me you know I can't take that Mahz"

 "You know i'm not letting you do this shit for free we do this every time". He yawned again before sitting down for a second. He usually was a night owl but after three nights of absolutely no sleep it was catching up to him. He knew his body was crashing.

She looked like she had something on her mind before speaking "It's late. Just crash here in our guest bedroom" She was hesitant to offer it but she wouldn't feel right if she let this man leave here with those bags under his eyes. He was exhausted.

"I'm straight ma you dont have to-"

"Your mother would kill me if I let you leave here while you look that exhausted. I'll go change the sheets. I know you got extra clothes in your car or something?" She cut him off. He soon realized that she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"How you know that?"

" You're a man y'all always have a bag of clothes in your trunk"

Mahz waved her off before jogging to his car to grab clothes and hygiene products and came back. He knew I was wrong staying here but he really didn't have shit going on with this woman. His fiance just didn't like her and he respected that but he was exhausted. He knew the risk of falling alseep while driving was too big. He had done it before and ran into some trees and by the grace of God he wasn't injured.

"Here's a towel and toothbrush. Make yourself at home. I won't say anything because I don't want you in trouble with your wife. I just don't want you to leave here and wreck because you're exhausted" Audrey explained. 

" Appreciate it ma" He smiled. She smiled back at him before returning to what I could assume to be her room. Making his way into the guest bathroom he took a bonnet from under her cabinet before showering. He made sure to clean up after himself as he took notice that her place was damn near spotless. Glancing around the bathroom that was decorated in grey and pearl pink he made sure it was back to her standards.

As he finished up wrapping a towel around his waist he made his way across the hall to the guest room. As he was getting ready to undo the towel he heard a soft knock at the door and it opened revealing Audrey. She gasped and quickly shut the door back making him chuckle "I'm sorry I thought you were dressed"

Walking to the door he opened it back "I got a towel on ma. Wassup?" 

She handed me my phone that I left in her living room without speaking. He knew she was feeling bad about opening the door while he was in a towel but he knew it was an accident. He was just one of those people who didn't like to get dressed in the bathroom.

 "Thank you"

She seemed to be zoned out as she scanned over my body. He knew it was harmless he was just covered in tattoos. Mahz cleared his throat causing her eyes to widen before looking up "Huh?"

"I said thank you" He laughed.

 "o-oh you're welcome"

"Aye before you go to bed could you put my hair in two braids?"  She visibly gulped before nodding her head. Sitting on the bed I sat on the floor beneath her placing a pillow on my lap. He could feel the warmth from her shorts radiating onto his neck and he closed my eyes at the realization of what was going on.

She was turned on.

"you're getting married mahz" He spoke in his mind. He didn't know where the lustful thoughts for audrey were coming from but they were flooding his mind as he wished she'd move a little faster so they could seperate.

Shortly after she let him know she was finished before hurrying out of the room. 

"Shit crazy" He mumbled as he shook his head.


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