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         It had been a month since the encounter with Mahz and Audrey had yet to see him during this time period. At this point she didn't even care anymore but it did kind of hurt her feelings that he had treated her like a rebound when she specifically said she wasn't. "what you thinking about" Mama Davis asked her noticing that she had stopped answering her questions.

"Nothing I was just day dreaming. Do you want the chicken seasoned now?" Audrey ask shooting her a smile just as Mr.Davis walked in. He was back from his Business tour. Audrey had only ever seen him via facetime when she was a patient of Mama Davis but seeing him in person his sons looked just like him. Black really didn't crack because he was an extremely handsome older man. The couple was just beautiful. "Yes you can go ahead and start baby" Sandra replied giving her a suspicious look.

She dropped what she was doing and was embraced by her husband. Audrey watch in admiration at the way the two were swooned over one another only wishing she could experience a love half as great as theirs. "Hi papa Davis" Audrey spoke shooting him a smile.

"We finally meet in person you shorter than I thought" he spoke giving her a quick hug. "What y'all cooking up in here" He asked taking one of the biscuits from the counter. Audrey laughed as mama Davis popped his hand and shooed him out of the kitchen.

"Sup pops, wassup Mama" Lucas spoke walking into the house. "Wassup big audrey" He pulled her into a hug. "Hey lucy"

Audrey ignored the mug he was now giving her as she went back to seasoning the food. He hated that nickname right along with lucky. Another name she had given him. She often liked to swap between the two.

"Where is your hotheaded brother and no I'm not talking about Akeem wherever he is" Mama cut in. She hadn't seen her son in a month and it was bothering her because they had just gotten to the point where he was visiting on the regular. Her boys were grown but Mahz was her baby boy. 

"He went on the road with Akeem. Talked to him earlier he should be returning sometime this week idk" Lucas shrugged before looking at me "Aye suh let me talk to you"

He stood up heading to the backyard so Audrey followed. Mama davis eyed them out of curiosity but decided to mind her business because whatever it was it would come to the light soon enough.

Sitting in one of the cushion chairs Lucas sat beside her. "What you and lil bro got going on?" He asked jumping straight to the point. 

Audrey look at him confused. "Huh? Nothing I haven't even spoke to him". Lucas had begun rolling up a blunt and shook his head. "After the night he took you home he stayed out. Next day he was telling Akeem that he fucked up and needed to get on the road. I just wanted to confirm he ain't do no shit that pissed you off" Lucas explained watching her face for any expression which she didn't have. 

Audrey sat back taking the information in. So him having sex with her was considered a fuck up? She had clearly told him she's not a rebound and if he was planning to get his fiancé back he had no business touching her let alone entering her room again after he had taken his shower. It's not like she yelled down the hall and said Mahz come fuck me raw.

"He dropped me off and crashed in my guest bedroom because he was cross faded. He ended up leaving early the next morning and I haven't spoken with him since" She lied. She hadn't spoken to him honestly but he did more than just crash in her guest bedroom. More like gave her the best dick of her life and vanished like avatar.

"When the world needed him the most he vanished head ass" Audrey thought to herself.

Lucas pearled his blunt and eyed it with love in his eyes making Audrey laugh "hope he ain't talking about Kennedy when he say be fucked up. That bitch already walking around on someone else's arm" he mumbled thinking about when he saw her out and about. Sure enough she had found her a Mixed fellow at the law school she attended.

Audrey shook her head before clearing her throat loudly. "You and India" she questioned with her eyebrows raised. She had been meaning to question him after seeing them chill at the club but she forgot with all this that was going on with Mahz.

" she cool as fuck. She like the homie fr" Lucas smiled. He had started hanging with her a lot every since that night. It wasn't even on no fucking type shit they just vibed together. "Awwww I brought you a friend"

Lucas mushed her head "say sis you wanna hit this?"

"Nope I don't smoke and I go back to work tomorrow. I'm sure they're going to drug test me" Audrey said rolling her eyes.

"That's why you be so stressed. Need some of that Mary Jane in your life" He coughed out as he hit his blunt. "Ma be letting you smoke out here" Audrey questioned. With the way she be trying to knock their ass out it was a surprise that she allowed this.

"Nope but I doubt she gone come back here while we talking. She try not to be nosey"

Audrey jumped up. "You not about to be using me so you can smoke"she laughed walking back to the door. She could hear lucas coughing as he tried to respond but ended up choking instead. She continued to laugh entering the house.

"He's on the phone with his girlfriend he should be back soon" she said covering for him. "Right" Mr Davis said before heading outside with a certain look on his face. She knew he wouldn't trip. She had her suspicions that he smoked as well anyway.

"Y'all ok?" Mama asked.

"Yup he's just nosey that's all but I have to go get my nails done mama" Audrey said looking down at her fingers. She was supposed to go last week but she pushed it back. Sandra looked at her nails and nodded making Audrey laugh.

"Not too much" she laughed. 

"Well you're welcome to come back by" Sandra said pulling her into a hug. Audrey embraced the woman before hurrying to her car. She used to get her nails done by a girl name Lorrie but after she got married and had a baby she decided to take a break and had yet to come back.

Audrey did the dash to her appointment that she was close to missing because she lost track of time. She smiled as she made it in eight minutes even thought apple maps said it would take her Nineteen minutes. She had a thing for racing the arrival time.

Get out she made sure to lock her doors before walking to the girl she was beginning to grow accustomed to. She showed her the style she was trying to get before her conversation was interrupted.

"Well I haven't seen you in a minute"

Audrey looked up from her phone. Beside her stood Kennedy looking pretty and stuck up as always. Audrey couldn't help but to smirk at the disgusted look she had plastered on her face as if she was better than everybody in here.

"Oh hi kennedy"

"I know you was trying to fuck mahz when we were together" she blurted out. Audrey look at her in pure confusion. She barely gave him a glance when they were together. "At most I twisted his hair as a side hustle what are you even talking about?"

"I know your type. Keep him the streets already got him anyway. He deserves someone like you. You look like you'll love what he does for a living" she looked Audrey up and down in disgust.

"Respectfully Kennedy I'll get up from this chair and spit in your face if you don't leave me the fuck alone with your petty delusions. I never had interest in that man but see now. Now I might just fuck him for the hell of it just to see what got you so pressed to be in my face AFTER y'all broke up" Audrey went back to viewing her phone. She wasn't even in the mood to deal with this. And yes she fucked Mahz when they broke up but she could never see herself approaching anyone. Like damn the man got good dick but this was embarrassing. 

"And I'll call the police" Kennedy spinned around before exiting the salon with an attitude.

"Slow bitch" her nail tech mumbled making her laugh.

"That she is"

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