Your Boyfriend ?

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When Beth went back upstairs , Harry said to Evan "Dude, you know she likes you right ?".
"I know ". Evan said.
"Then why haven't you done anything yet ?". I asked .
"I don't know ". Evan said.
They went back to the living room to play PlayStation . 

"Evan has gone speechless ". Harry said shocked. 
Evan pushed Harry onto the couch and Harry fell onto the couch .
Gavin pushed Evan onto the couch,
but before Evan fell onto the couch , Evan pushed Gavin onto the couch as well .
I sat down and Gavin said "What's the big deal ? He doesn't know why ".

"Dude , Evan  is the best person at getting girls ". Harry said .
"And for Evan to say he doesn't know why he hasn't gotten her yet is very surprising ,"Harry said as well .
"She is cool girl and all but anytime I try to work my magic on her , it never works ". Evan said taking his controller from  the brown square coffee table .

"Dude , when she comes back down here , you should do your magic and we will see what you mean ". Gavin suggested.
"Fine ". Evan said after giving it some thought for awhile. 
We all took our controllers from the coffee table and continued to play our game .


When I got back upstairs , Ally was attacking Cathy with a pillow and Cathy was there enjoying it and laughing as well .
She stopped and they both sat up in the bed. 
I walked over to the bed and Ally was mad. 

"Why did you guys do that ?". Ally asked.
"It was good for you ,"I said and Ally whispered shouted "It was not good for me ".
"Ally , he seems like a great guy ". Cathy said. 
"Whatever ". Ally said .
We then talked for awhile and then we decided to bake like we always do. 

Me and Cathy had to go downstairs first to see if Evan was here. 
When we went to the living room and kitchen , they weren't there. 
Then we saw tall muscular male figures moving about through the kitchen curtain .

We decided to tell Ally that the guys went out somewhere.
We yelled from the bottom of the staircase "They are not here ," so that Ally would hear us .
She came down the steps like a spy , making sure that we were actually telling her  the truth .

Once she done inspecting , we baked a  cake. 
While the cake was baking , Ally was by the fridge . The guys came in and they were surprisingly quiet .
We asked Ally "Ally, it would be good idea to bake Evan a cake ".
"Maybe ,"Ally said still looking for something in the fridge .
"Are you gonna ?". I asked.

"I don't know ". She said. 
"You should ". Evan said. 
She shut the fridge with a slam because he frighten her by leaning on the fridge and saying that. 
"Uhh , I should ?" She asked.
"Yeah , you should ". Evan said smiling .

"Okay ". She said smiling back and did I tell you Evan was shirtless .
He went with the guys and they went to Alex 's room .
"You guys ! You told me they left ". She whispered shouted .
"Sorry ". Cathy said not meaning it . I just sat there laughing .
"Get starting . Your boyfriend awaits your delicious cake ," Cathy said laughing afterwards .

I just kept laughing but much more harder .
"He is not my boyfriend ". Ally said and started taking out the things she needed .


When we entered my room , we fell on the bed . We were so tried.
"She is baking you a cake ". Harry said elbowing Evan in his stomach .
He slapped his arm away and said "She said okay  and I love cake ," Evan said .
"Dude you are going soft for her ," I said getting up and sitting on the floor with my back leaning against the wall .

"Yeah dude you are ," Gavin said agreeing with me .
"And you would much more softer when you taste her cake ," I said.
"Whatever . I am going to take a bath ,"Evan said .
"I am second ,"I said. 
"Third ," Harry said .
"Always the last ," Gavin said .

When we all took a shower , we talked for awhile until we went out to the kitchen to see what the girls were up to .
"When are we going to met them ?" Ally and Cathy 's parents
"I don't know, "Beth said for Ally and Cathy . We went into the kitchen more  .

"Hello ". Cathy and Ally's mom said .
Ally turned around saw us. 
"Hi". All of us said .
"These are Alex's friends , Gavin, Harry and Evan ,"Beth said.
"These are Cathy's parents and Ally's parents ,"I said .
"How are you guys ?".Cathy's parents asked .
"Were good ". We all said.

"We just came to see if Ally's cake for Evan was ready ". I said.
"Ohh , so ut was your boyfriend your making the cake for ". Ally's mom said.
Ally's mouth went wide open when her mother said that and head was turned facing her mother. 

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