Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 23

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Mated To The Dragon - Chapter Twenty-Three

Scarlet spent the next few hours in solitude. She'd smell Maria come near the cave, then it would go faint, as if she was checking on her without making her presence visibly known. As much as she appreciated the space, she wished she had some sort of company. The cave was too big, too hallow. The silence was too . . . Loud.

She paced around, threw pebbles back and forth, and filled the high cave ceiling with humming that ricocheted off the walls. She wanted to leave. To go out and explore. But she didn't trust it. Since Dargon left, she didn't trust much of anything. She knew her guardian was gone. And she couldn't protect herself. She could try, but how far could she get? She never had much luck in the past.

Scarlet sat on the hard floor, and picked up a stone similar to that of a crystal in texture. She held the cool stone in the center of her palms.

The mute silence of her enclosure rung in her ears like a hundred whistles through a microphone.


Scarlet didn't have to look up to know it was her Luna. Her ex-Luna. Who was here . . . But why? Had Dargon convinced her to watch her? She hoped so . . . Maria was the thing she was least afraid of at the moment.


"How are you holding up?"

Her stomach twisted, for she was hoping she wouldn't ask that. Everything in her was crumbling like a card tower that'd taken hours to set up.

". . . Horribly." Her voice cracked.

"I know . . ." Maria welcomed herself in to sit next to the girl. "No wolf likes to part with their mate," The way she spoke sounded as if Scarlet's beloved Dargon was off somewhere dead. Her heart throbbed. "Do you think he's okay?"

"I'm sure he is. Dry your tears, Scarlet."


Scarlet touched her face. It was moist with fresh, salty, tear droplets. She didn't even know she'd started crying. She felt like such a wimp. It hadn't even been a full day and she was already caught up in a whirlwind of emotions.

"Trust that everything will be okay,"

"I can't . . ." Scarlet shook her head, staring at the small rock. She flicked it. It bounced twice, then joined many of the others. "How are things . . . Back . . . At the pack?"

Maria inhaled quietly, then rose. "Ill be back later on today."

"Wait . . ." Scarlet reached up to grab her wrist, then quickly let go when Maria eyed the act. Scarlet felt like she was behaving so stupidly.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing . . . I'm sorry . . ." She pulled her legs up and hugged her knees.

Maria's heart went out to her. She wanted to stay, and hold her. Hold her like she would have her own daughter if she were ever able to have one, but she didn't. Her eyes stung, and she hesitantly forced herself to part with the girl.

No one in the pack besides Sin had known Maria was expected to bear before - four times in fact. All ended in a miscarriage. She'd always been so happy with each discovery, then crushed into a void depression when the human they'd hired for personal ultrasounds told them their little fetus had not made it. And since she'd never got far enough to make that big announcement, it was one secret never to be released to the wolves.
The members would joke about how she would bring forth a son that would later put Sin in his place. Of course, the Alpha had to smile alongside with them, though inside he was appalled at the idea of anyone overruling his authority. It was his pack. He refused to go lightly on any wolf who dared to challenge his leadership, and if his own begotten son decided to take that step in the future, then so be it. He wasn't afraid to show the poor boy what not to do, much like his father had done to him. At least after, the boy could compare his situation to that saying, what was it again? You learn from your mistakes? Yes, that one. Maria would be upset, but she would get over it. He'd hope so at least. His own dad had always told his mom before she was killed that she couldn't be angry at him for being a man and teaching his son the ways of life. He felt like the same rules applied present day. His past wasn't easy, but it made him the Alpha he now was. He'd be damned if he didn't let his Omega run around doing what she wanted instead of tending to the pack as she used too without showing his own flesh and blood his purpose and duties.

When push came to shove, Sin always wanted his kids to know that he was to be the only person to treat them that way. He'd, in the end, fight through thick and thin to protect his own. He hurt Scarlet, he knew that. But he didn't care. She helped him release the pain of his past. But as long as she was apart of his pack, he wouldn't have let a outsider do anything to her - and he didn't.

An Alpha would always lead and keep his group safe from the predators, but what happened inside their base was between them. Since Scarlet had decided to follow after her precious Dargon and betray the pack even when Sin gave her safety from the outside world when he found her bleeding out as a child, he figured he had to also give her a reality check. Everything was working as he'd hoped. He only needed to be patient.

Scarlet would learn her lesson, and she would serve as an example that would go down in their pack's history.

The poor girl had no idea what was to become of all of this.
The only thing she did know, was that Maria promised to come back later - yet never did.

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