Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 31

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Thirty One

As the days passed, Scarlet's nausea seemed to grow more intense than it had been from the beginning.

The light of the sun beamed through the blinds of Scarlet's room. She got little sleep last night, vomiting every so often. By morning break she felt drained and weak. When Maria came in, particularly smiley, she hadn't even found the energy to even greet her. Instead she lay sprawled across the bed, eyes closed, mind swarming with the idea that something could be wrong.

"Scarlet . . . ? Are you okay?" Maria's eyebrows fell in with concern.

"Mmmmm," Scarlet groaned.

"You don't look good . . ." The Luna came closer, crouched down at the foot of the bed where her head was hanging from, and carefully pushed her hair back to press the back of her hand to her forehead. "You're burning up, and you're so pale . . ." She frowned at the girl, and got up. Scarlet could feel her presence part from her, and her mental voice wanted to beg her not to leave but physically she had no energy and no control over her limp body. She only laid there, her mouth watering again when the urge to vomit surfaced once more.

A knock on the door brought Maria's eyes to it, though she'd already smelled the person on the other side before he'd make it there. She strode over to it, twisted the knob, and opened it just far enough for the two to make eye contact. "Yes?" She asked.

"Is she okay . . .?" He was worried, he hadn't seen much of her since the day he walked in on Sin abusing her.

"Go get Marlow. Tell her to bring . . ."

Scarlet had only really processed Maria telling what sounded to be James to get Marlow. The same girl who accompanied her search party and spat on her as if she were nothing. "No," She whined, raising her head only a few inches, but by the time she got around to it, James was already down the hall and Maria was watching her with cloudy eyes. "I know you don't like her, Scarlet. But right now you don't have much say in this and you know it," She tried to sound stern, but inside she was so very concerned and . . . Scared.

Scarlet rose up abruptly, reached from over the bed to grab the trash bin, drew it close and began to violently go through another episode of emesis.

Looking off, Maria closed her eyes and sent over a quick link.

'Hurry. Up.'

A few seconds passed.

'I'm trying, ma'am . . ." Marlow whimpered. The threat she seemed to be before was now submerged into the submissiveness of her animal recognising a higher authority.

Maria opened her eyes to look at Scarlet, who's vomiting had stopped yet she remained over the trash bin, eyes squeezed shut, raggedly breathing.

The Luna hoped she was okay. Her and her baby, and for the first time the thought crossed her mind that maybe she bit off more than she could chew . . .


A/N: Hey, erm, I've been working on this chapter for a day or two but just righteously completed it. I'm not doing too good right now... a lot going on. No transportation, intense financial issues, school frustrations, I'm worried. Just seems like everything is going bad, back to back. Before I close this off I would just like to ask for all prayers, please. For everything. It would mean a lot to me.

Now on to the other note regarding the work I've just completed:

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Thanks guys, love you . . .



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