Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 34

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Thirty Four

Four weeks, six days - 5:52 PM

Scarlet had to say, she was feeling pretty confident about this now. Since hearing her baby she knew for a fact, without a doubt, she was pregnant with Dargon's child. She was beyond happy. She was getting her eating back on track, and was a lot more active the last couple days. Maria wasn't with her as much as she normally was, and their conversations weren't as in depth as before, but Scarlet didn't wanna question it. She thought maybe she'd surfaced some feelings when she encouraged the Luna to speak of her miscarriages, so she didn't want to cause any further pain.

"Knock, knock," A male voice said, his fingers thumping on the door. Scarlet pulled her shirt over her head to let it drape over her bodice, and raised her hands to tighten the rubber band that contained her curly hair, courtesy of Maria the day before. "Come in," She said, his voice familiar.

James pushed the door open and stepped in the room. She could hear the door close behind him. Scarlet's feelings for James were unclear. As much as he meant to her all she could think about was how he behaved with her when he'd let his crew beat her and force her back into the place she'd been waiting so long to escape from.

"Hey," He sounded unsure, and a little hesitant when he uttered a greeting to her.

"Hi." She took a seat down on the bed, not granting him the slightest of a glance. Her back faced him, and her eyes fell to her lap, where she intertwined her fingers and slowly breathed in. When the air hit her nostrils, her eyebrows furrowed. There was something with him.

"I want to share something with you," James said.
Scarlet, confused and heart beating, dared herself to turn around. In James's arm on his hip, a wide eyed, red-haired child watched her. Her eyelashes were long, and her skin was pale like James's. Her lips were tinted pink, and her nose was straight and pointed out, like Evelyn, James's mate. "Who's . . . When . . . Did . . .?" Scarlet was at a loss for words.

James's approached her, small steps. He sat on the opposite side of the bed, with his knee pulled up on it, and rested the little girl on his leg. The way he watched her, Scarlet noted was with such a loving, protective, awed expression she'd only seen the fathers of the pack show. The baby craned her neck around and looked up at him, and he smiled. His eyes glistened, as if he was staring into one of the most prized treasures of the world. And her cheeks pulled up to show a wide grin, four small teeth protruding from her bottom gums.

Scarlet blinked when the child detached her eyes from James, and brought them to her.

"This is Avery. She's recently turned seven months."

"Seven?" Scarlet could hardly believe her ears. "H-how? You . . . You never mentioned having a child . . ." She stuttered.

"Avery isn't apart of this pack . . ." He was trying to find a way to explain the whole ordeal. "I am, and Eve is . . . But Avery was born on the outskirts of the territory, a couple miles off, in a small claimed area belonging to my brother. He and his wife have been there for years, and raised two healthy litters. Clover, his mate, is expecting with twins. They will bring them up there like they did the rest," He watched Avery the whole time. "Before Evelyn went into labor, we traveled the long distance there, and we stayed for those two weeks, do you remember?"

Scarlet slowly recalled. A while back James had mysteriously vanished with his swollen mate, and stayed gone for fourteen days exactly before returning. Evelyn had been so quiet and forlorn for weeks after that. Of course, the only plausible explanation Scar could think of was that something had went wrong and the baby didn't survive to come back with them. She never once considered the idea they'd departed to have their daughter on separate land, and left her there. "Why . . . You neglected her?"

James's eyes shot up to look at her. "That's not what happened. Evelyn and I agreed that this pack . . . Just wasn't the type of environment Avery should Have been exposed too at such a young age. I consulted Sin about my actions before I did so. He was on the extreme offense, it was only with Maria's understanding were we granted permission. So every month we would leave for seven days to spend with our daughter, then come back to our pack. But lately Evelyn has been missing her more and more. I couldn't attend the last visit for her seventh month . . . Due to . . ."

"Having to get me?" Scarlet quietly asked.

Avery changed her perspective again, over to her dad, who's eyelids fell. "Yeah. Evelyn brought her back though . . . A couple days ago. We keep her in our cave. We won't let her out unless its necessary or both of us agree on it, like now."

"Isn't that bad for her health? Shouldn't she get to meet the others?" Scarlet fully turned on the bed, so that she was now facing him.

"We don't want her to meet the others. She would have never met the others back at my brother's base. We did and we're still doing what we think is best for our daughter. And when she's older, old enough to tell us herself she wants to get out, then it will no longer be our duty to protect her and shelter her from the . . . Examples, of this pack. She will receive the reasonable freedom she'll deserve."

Scarlet sorta understood . . . Their pack wasn't the most warming. She wouldn't want her baby to be exposed to the other members either. She gave him a nod.

"I just know you're expecting, so I figured why not introduce you to the person who brought me into the new terrain of parenthood." He moved his arm in a shrug, and placed Avery in the middle of the bed between the two. She looked back at James, her bottom lip jutting out and her chin wrinkling over. James pointed at Scarlet. "This is a . . . Friend."

Avery bobbed her head over to Scarlet, and falling forward, she dug her little hands in the bed and pointed her bum out. Catching stability, she dropped her butt and trudged in a wobbly crawl towards the girl. Scarlet eyes grew big. What was she doing? Was she coming to . . . Her?

The baby placed a hand on Scarlet's leg, and squealed, her eyes lighting up. A fascinated Scarlet glanced at James. "May I . . .?"

He nodded.

A faint smile on her lips, she brought her hands carefully under the child's arms and cautiously hoisted her up off of the bed to bring her close to her body. She was so warm. Scarlet leaned in and took in her innocent scent. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to her soft forehead, to which the baby rested her head against her chest and put her fingers in her mouth.

"So? What do you think?" James asked, grinning.

"I think my future is taking a turn for the best," She responded.


A/N: Whew! Done. :3

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