Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 24

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Mated To The Dragon - Chapter Twenty-Four

The next day was easier than the last. Scarlet felt like a prisoner who knew her deadline was nearing and would soon be freed. She didn't put much thought into the idea Dargon could be gone longer than a couple days. She was very much anticipating his arrival and that kept her mind off of Maria - who had left her a platter of what appeared to be leftovers from the pack, but chose not to show her face that morning.

She was fine with that. If Maria did not want to be bothered, she didn't have to come back. Of course it was easier to accept that when she knew the love of her life would fill in that sense of emptiness Loneliness caused.

She couldn't believe how her feelings could surge through the roof with someone she'd not even known for that long. She overheard fellow shifters talk about how an instant connection could be formed when two mates finally found one another. Some even got visions beforehand of their counterparts life, so by the time they crossed paths, it was as if they'd already met.

Scarlet felt giddy inside as the morning crossed over into noon. She knew it'd be any minute now.

But then noon fell to evening, and evening eventually darkened into night.

No Dargon, and No Maria.


This same thing proceeded for the next few days. By the end of the week, Scarlet felt like something was terribly wrong. He shouldn't have still been away. She only wished Maria would come into the cave instead of stalk around the outskirts of it. Scarlet even tried to be up early enough on a couple occasions to catch her Luna as she was dropping off food for her to consume - but the woman was too stealthy and too quick. So she decided she'd wait until her familiar smell came near, and she'd beckon for her. She knew Maria would hear - but also knew it was her decision as to if she would join the girl or would pass up on it and leave her to another silent crying session.

Scarlet was very attentive. She pushed the full plate of food from side to side. She didn't have it in her to eat this day. She was actually finding herself throwing up a lot more than she was taking in. Every time she imagined Dargon bleeding out, or somewhere brutally murdered, her stomach did a flip, and out would come the contents of her stomach. She couldn't handle it. It was too much for her. She cared too much. She at least hoped the link was powerful enough through the distance so that if Dargon was still standing and something were to suddenly go wrong, she'd grasp some feel to know her mate was in trouble.

But did she really want that . . ?

Did she want to feel his pain up until his last breath and know that there was nothing she could do to help him?


At least when the link confirmed her worst fears, she could find a way to end her life. She was nothing without him.

An hour passed. Maria had not returned.

Scarlet looked around the cave, and used the wall behind her as support to pull herself to her feet. She couldn't do this anymore. She felt so secluded and trapped. She was a wolf for Moon's sake! She needed to be out and breathe the air, smell the nature, feel the earth.

She let her wolf finally come forth after so long, and shook the thick fur. She padded to the cave's exit. Her paws halted at the thin line between safety and the outside world. Her chest rose and fell with every breath. She pushed her nose out the cave to inhale the air. That was all it took to drive her out. Scarlet leaped over obstacles and dove through the trees. Adrenaline pumped through her veins to match that of her swift beating heart. It'd been too long before she could do something like this. All because she feared the outcome . . .

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