Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 42

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A/N: Things are still rough in a way. I had originally did a good bit of this chapter way back before I updated you guys on my life, but got preoccupied and wasn't sure how to finish it so I let it sit. Its been on my mind the last couple days and I've just completed it. However, I don't have internet right now, been off since eight something, so when the wifi is back. I will publish. Love you all. <3
- Saturday(April 29, 2017), 11:20 AM

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Two

"Lay back for me, yes, right there," Nicola instructed when Scarlet, aided by Dargon, sat on the old fashioned, low cut bed. The thick red comforter with intricate beige swirls folded in towards the imprint of her body. Nicola's hips swayed as she worked on setting up the old machinery that was placed by the bed. She was hooking cords up, hitting buttons, and twisting knobs Scar had never seen before. She thought that ultrasounds were to be performed in hospital settings, where there was a lot of white around and medical professionals in scrubs. But this establishment appeared to be owned by Nicola alone, and the room was very ... Homey. Like that of a bedroom.

"What is this place?" Scarlet whispered to Dargon. He opened his mouth to answer but instead Nic responded with a little laugh and said, "I know its not what you're used too or what society portrays a hospital and such to be. This place was originally an elderly home, many, many, many, years ago. Until I came by and modified the neglected building into a more comfortable women's clinic." She informed. "Its like a birthing center, have you ever heard of that?"

"Not until now," Scarlet informed.

Nicola nodded. "I understand. How far are you?" She went to the far corner of the room where a dresser was, decorated with crosses. On the wall above it were images of small infants, freshly born and some coated in blood and mucus. Others were wrapped in little blankets with open mouths searching for their first feed. Scarlet's eyes lit up with the beauty of what would be her future.

Dargon glanced in the direction of what had captivated his pregnant mate, and he smiled to himself. "She's about five weeks in," He answered for her, remembering the day that put them in this position as soon-to-be-parents. He gave her the exact date, the one he remembered from the days he counted being away from her, and Nicola nodded. "Four days over five weeks," She corrected.

He bobbed his head. "Yes," That sounded about right.

Nicola came back to the side of the bed, a little tube containing something blue. "What's that?" Dargon asked.

"It looks like the stuff Marlow used on me that day," Scar pointed out, recalling the cold gelatin she'd slathered over her tummy. She wished Dargon had been there for it. She would have loved to know his reaction of their child's heartbeat. She tried not to think of his absence and instead zoned in on the fact he now was. That was all that mattered.

"Who's Marlow?" He asked, looking at her.

Scarlet was silent for a while, then she moved her arm in a shrug and stated, "No one important."

Nicola glanced up at her for a split second before looking back at the monitor, which was a solid color, waiting to be put to use. "Shirt up," She told her, and Scarlet did as said.

When the gel hit her skin, it was even colder than before, and Nicola gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry," She closed the tube and set it off to the side, the removed the Doppler from it's slot. She drew it close to Scarlet's skin, hit a button to a keyboard connected to the ultrasound monitor - which flicked it to life - then pressed the device to her stomach.

Scarlet was already excited. If the previous experience was such a miraculous, joyous thing, she knew this would be twice as better. Her heart sped up, and she licked her dry lips; nervous as Nicola moved the substance around in search of life.

Dargon reassuringly grasped her hand, and pulled it up to kiss the back of it a plentiful amount of times before grazing his thumb over her skin.

"Ahhh," Nicola said, flashing a glistening, fanged, smile.

"What? What is it?" Scarlet could hardly talk.

"Well . . . You're having," She set the Doppler over the lower right corner of her stomach, where on the screen a faded, moving, image of a developing baby stretched.

"A what?!" Scarlet's impatience rose beyond comparison, and her face turned red with annoyance. She could feel her eyes sting with anticipation. "Please . . ." She begged.

Dargon watched her stomach, then his eyes flicked up to Nicola, who's red pupils glanced at him through long, dark, eyelashes. Scarlet's head turned to Dargon, and her eyebrows furrowed. "Dargon, tell me what it is. What's going on?" He looked at her smooth features and smiled, almost weakly. He seemed a little, pale. Nicola moved the Doppler around again, and lowered down until she were near the girl's ear. Her glossy lips moved quickly, her voice hushed.

As tears streaked down Scar's face, she stared at the screen while one of her hands pulled up to cover the expression of love that curled her lips into a smile. "Are you serious . . .?"

"I wouldn't lie to Dargon's mate." Nicola said as she retracted. Three pairs of eyes moved to stare at the monitor, at a smaller, differentiating, infant.

One boy.
One girl.



<Word Count Of Everything Except This: 981>

I got wifi back!!! Guys! I did like four additional chapters in this weekend. XD Will release them periodically.
-Sunday 3:17 PM

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