Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 12

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A/N: Hey ^.^ Thank you guys for being patient. Please check out my new book - Running With The Wolves - and take a look at my long list of dedications.

Just because I haven't updated, doesn't mean I didn't see each and every last one of the votes, comments, and follows you wonderful people delivered to me. So to:


















-- Thank you ^.^ If I missed a name, you can either leave a comment or message me!

On to the next chapter!

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Twelve

"You'd think that with all the movies and books they would have mentioned something about the relationship of our threesome." Maria began.

"Threesome?" Scarlet questioned, confusion written upon her features.

"Mhm," Maria replied with a nod. "The Werewolves," She held up her index finger in count. "The Vampires," Another finger. "And the Dragons." Her ring finger joined the other two. "These books make the Werewolves and the Vampires appear to be mortal enemies; creatures that are constantly shedding blood; as if they were born to attack one another until death seperated their fued."

Scarlet listened patiently.

"There was a time when our kind grew weak and feeble." She said, staring off in thought. "The Vampires were winning . . . until the fight finally came to a halt.

The wolves assumed that they were done and that we had won . . . so  we had a feast; a celebration, in which all packs would come together for one day to honour our victory and grieve for the hundreds to thousands of lives we lost during those troublesome times.

It wasn't until nightfall that we realized that the members who joined the celebration went from triple digits, to double digits. They were vanishing, and we were so caught up in the moment; so blinded by our opinioned victory, that we completely shut off our senses.

For that night . . . we wanted to . . . as the young beings say . . . party, without feeling unsafe." She took a deep breath.

"It was that crucial mistake that we never knew our fellow wolves were being attacked and killed under our very noses. Then,"

Scarlet's eyes widened as she stared, engrossed by Maria's words. The noises of the men were becoming faint to her ears.

Now, the only thing that she seemed to hear, was her Luna talk slowly.

The pain was visible on Maria's face. The agony as her heart was let loose to speak the legendary story of the past, could clearly be seen. Maria herself looked as if she lost all contact with reality and was put back into historic times.

Scarlet had never seen her in such a damaged state. The suspense and tension in the air only grew.

The Omega was becoming impatient as Maria stared into the void of the everlasting trees, invisioning the past.

Just when she was gaining the courage to beg her Luna to continue, Maria advanced into the story, easing Scarlet's eager face.

"The Vampires came. We couldn't believe it. They were the ones who slaughtered our wolves. We were ready to attack, for we were strengthened by pain.

Until Staul came out, a look of deep anger on his hard features."

Scarlet released a gasp.


He was one of the oldest Vampires alive. Some nicknamed him Dracula, for their were myths and tales that haven't yet been published to the humans saying that Staul was the one who created the Vampire race.

"Staul explained to us that they too were mysteriously losing their cold-blooded kind. We inquired that we were not the ones who did anything, and told him of our own suffering. It became clear to us that we were falling deeply into the trap of another.

Whoever was taking away our lives, was trying to make us turn on one another. They expected us to fight until we both wiped our species out entirely and complete the plan for them so that they had free reign and control.

They, were the Dragons." Maria looked over towards Scarlet. She was blinking, processing her Luna's words.

"What happened then . . . ?" She asked wearily.

"We merged together and fought as one." Maria said simply. "With our numbers together combined with the extra gifts that the Vampires possessed, the Dragons stood no chance. They perished and died out. After all, they had no buisness living in our world. We all  thought that dinosaurs were extinct." She hissed, venom lacing her tone.

Scarlet couldn't help the anger she felt within her.

Her mate was a Dragon. To have her say something as harsh as that . . . it was impossible not to push away the anger.

As Maria gazed at her, she smiled softly. "My apologies, dear Scarlet." She said, noting how the Omega's look turned from pure curiousity to a stern looking pout.

"But you see, this is why we were so surprised. Dargon is still alive when he isn't supposed to be. If any hybrid, including the bats, find out, they will kill him. No mercy, no excuses."

Maria shook her head. "What makes this situation even worse, is that you are mated to the dragon . . ." Her tone because soft as her heart went out to Scarlet.

Realization was just not hitting the girl.

"Once they are done with him . . . they will come for you Scarlet . . ."

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