[16- Meeting the Cullens]

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"Carlisle, Esme," Emmett's voice broke the short silence, "this is Eleanor."

"You're very welcome here, Eleanor." Carlisle's step was measured, careful as he approached me. He raised his hand tentatively, and I rolled forward to shake hands with him.

"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Cullen."

"Please, call me Carlisle."

"Carlisle." I grinned at him, my sudden confidence surprising me. I could feel Emmett's relief at my side. Esme smiled and stepped forward as well, reaching for my hand. Her cold, stone grasp was just as I expected.

Edward stood up from the couch in the living room, his angular facial features and full lips more distinguishable up close.

"Nice to meet you Eleanor," he said politely, stopping by Esme's side.

They were all here, except Alice and Jasper. I wondered where they went.

"Hunting," Edward answered flatly. I forgot he could read mind. My cheeks quickly flushed when I remembered that he knew everything I was thinking.

"Sorry," he said with a slight grin. I could see why Emmett found his brother's gift annoying.

"We just came back," Alice called enthusiastically, appearing at top of the stairs. She ran down the stairs, a streak of black hair and white skin, coming to a sudden and graceful stop in front of me. Carlisle and Esme shot warning glances at her, but I liked it. It was natural — for her, anyway.

"Hi, Eleanor!" Alice said, and she bounced forward to kiss my cheek, she didn't have to bend over, I was already at her height. If Carlisle and Esme had looked cautious before, they now looked staggered. There was shock in my eyes, too, but I was also very pleased that she seemed to approve of me so entirely.

I glanced at Emmett's face, but his expression was unreadable.

"You do smell nice, I never noticed before," she commented, to my extreme embarrassment. No one else seemed to know quite what to say, and then Jasper was there — tall and leonine. A feeling of ease spread through me, and I was suddenly comfortable despite where I was.

Emmett stared at Jasper, raising one eyebrow.

"Hello, Eleanor," Jasper said. He kept his distance, not offering to shake my hand. But it was impossible to feel awkward near him.

"Hello, Jasper." I smiled at him shyly, and then at the others.

"It's nice to meet you all — you have a very beautiful home," I added conventionally.

"Thank you," Esme said. "We're so glad that you came." She spoke with feeling, and I realized that she thought I was brave.

"Ok so what do you want to do?" Emmett said, his voice echoing off the walls, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Do you have any games?" I asked Emmett, seeing the huge TV mounted on the wall, it must have been over 85 inches across. His eyes lit up. When I was recovering in the hospital, I played a lot of first person shooter games and had gotten pretty good, if I do say so myself.

"Heck yeah I do!" He opened up a cupboard underneath the TV, it was packed with every game imaginable, ones that weren't even on the market in most countries yet.

I scanned the drawer, "Halo?" 

He smiled, flashed over to the console, setting up the game. He brought two controllers over to the couch. We spent what seemed like hours playing, his laugh resonating throughout the house. I was a decent player but Emmett was incredible. We were extremely competitive, for most of the evening, Emmett obtained the upper hand but occasionally I caught him off guard.

"How are you so good?" I commented, still frustrated that he had absolutely obliterated me.

"What do you think I do all night?" He smirked, "Reading gets boring." I could hear Carlisle's disappointed sigh from the dining table.

I looked down at my watch, "Shoot I need to be home! We have school tomorrow." Carlisle and Esme got off their computers and stood by the stairs.

"Thank you for having me," I told them.

"You can come over whenever you want. Don't be a stranger. Its lovely that Emmett has found someone," Esme insisted, hugging me. I took another glance around the house, hopefully this won't be my last time visiting.

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