[21-Back in the Hospital]

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A week after my diagnosis, we went back to the hospital for a check up. The antibiotics didn't seem to be helping my cough. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. My dad had to push me up the wheelchair ramp. Usually I could do it, but I got so tired, even wheeling on a flat surface was difficult. Emmett insisted that I get a motorised wheelchair but I was stubborn and refused to be treated like I was 90.

In the doctor's office, Carlisle conducted more CAT scans of my chest and drew more blood. Even though I've had blood taken many times, I still winced every time the needle pierced my skin.

"The bacterial infection is starting to spread from the bottom of your right lobe to the rest of your lungs. At the rate at which it's spreading, you're whole lungs will be affected in less than a week. Since your symptoms aren't improving quick enough, you need to stay in the hospital for more intensive treatment," Carlisle said.

It was bad. When I was recovering after the accident, I heard stories of pneumonia. It was fairly common in hospitals when patients had weakened immune systems. But I hadn't taken any immunosuppressant drugs in months. Why was this happening to me?

My parents left the room, they couldn't handle the thought of me in the hospital again. I heard their muffled sobs from the hallway.

"Eleanor," Carlisle said, "Don't worry. It's only a matter of time before you recover. The antibiotics they have now are much better than 50 years ago." I gave a weak smile. Of course he would know.

My treatment started immediately. I was officially hospital bound. My new home consisted of a bed, 4 walls and a tiny bathroom. Since pneumonia prevented normal oxygenation of my blood, Carlisle wanted to start oxygen therapy immediately. A face mask administered a higher concentration of oxygen than what was naturally present in the air. Hopefully it could speed up recovery time. He was worried that if not treated, it could lead to respiratory failure, in other words certain death or permanent damage.

"I'll take time off work," mom said when we finished dinner in the hospital. I knew she was reluctant to, even if she said otherwise. Her company was just recovering from the last time she took time off and she couldn't afford to be away for longer. I knew she would quickly sacrifice the well being of the company for me but she also loved the business. I had to stop her.

"No, it's fine guys. You already took tonnes of time off work after the accident. I'll be fine. Really," I insisted,  "I'm in good hands with Dr Cullen."

They smiled, they didn't want to chose between me or their jobs but I made the decision easy. Dad had to leave to go to Europe in a few days. He was invited to partake in a huge medical conference in Denmark. Something about bridging the gap in rural medicine. Carlisle was also invited, but of course, he politely refused, it was too risky to be in the spotlight. It was a prestigious event, hundreds of doctors would be going. I couldn't let him give up his dreams for me.

It was about 10, both of my parents went home about an hour ago. I assured them I would be fine on my own. I enjoyed the silence, it allowed me to gather my thoughts, reflect on my future. Hopefully I would recover within 2 weeks and go back to everyday life.

I was on the phone with Emmett. Not that I was lonely, I just missed having him around.

"Do you want me to come over?"

"Really? Well if its not too hard-" the call dropped.

I felt a cold draft from the hallway and saw him. Emmett was standing by the door, sympathetic smile on his face. He crossed the room and sat on the chair facing my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He said softly.

"Been better," I replied, my voice cracking.

"I have something for you," he said, reaching into his backpack.

"Yes!" He brought my laptop. I was itching to start programming again. Since I decided to major in computer science at Dartmouth, I wanted to brush up on my coding. I leant over, wrapping my frail arms around him.

"Hopefully they'll make you feel better," he whispered, "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you recover, no matter what. I promise."

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