Bonus chapter 3: Wedding part 1

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Watching sport games with Emmett always gave me a sense of déjà vu. It was less than a year ago when we watched our first game, Florida vs Iowa, if my muggy human memories were correct. Now, in March, we must have seen over 100 sporting games together, but football had a special place in my heart.

We were lying on our king bed, facing the TV. Today's game was hockey, Pittsburg penguins vs San Jose sharks.

My head was resting on Emmett's chest, gently drifting up and down with each of his unnecessary breaths. He was absentmindedly twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers. His muscular arms were resting around my hips. I turned up to look at his face. There were several pillows propping his upper body up. He was wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt, I loved the way the fabric clung to his chest.

As the commercials started playing, Emmett's eyes met mine. He pulled me into a tight embrace, burying his nose into my hair.

"Have I told you that you're beautiful?" He murmured in my ear.

"Only about 50 times a day."

"Only 50? I should step up my game." I chuckled. Emmett did more than just say it though, he made me feel it, especially when I didn't. All of the things that I'm insecure about; my overachieving nature, even when it didn't matter and competitiveness towards every insignificant thing were the things that he loved the most about me. He made sure that I knew it.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" His voice as smooth as butter.

"What's tomorrow?" I said, copying his signature smirk.

He rolled his eyes, "Our wedding. That thing Alice's life has revolved around for months."

"I heard that!" Her voice called out from upstairs. We both laughed.

In hindsight, letting Alice plan the wedding was a bad decision. Her ideas were usually a little grandiose for me, and I could see it as the wedding was coming together — the tendency to take things too far kicking into action. Personally I'd prefer something small, just family and friends at home. Well Alice took that idea and blew it out of proportion.

First there was the dress. I probably would have been just as happy in a 'run of the mill' dress but Alice had other ideas. She spent months designing the perfect dress, with countless fittings and alterations as well as coordinating with several designers in Milan. Alice clearly had let her artistic sense overpower practicalities on that one.

Secondly, there was the decor. Alice had banned me from seeing the majority of it but just judging by the sheer amount of flowers, I could tell she went overboard. The smell of delphiniums, viburnums, white lilacs, ranunculus, and sweet pea filled the house. I felt like I was living in a plant nursery. It was almost intoxicating, but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.

Finally, there was the guest list. A part of me was sad that my parents would never know how happy I was with Emmett since they obviously couldn't come. Our cousins, the Denalis who lived in Alaska were coming. I was exciting to meet them. From Emmett's description, they sounded like the rest of us; pale skin, gold eyes and of course, beautiful. According to Emmett, Tanya had a big family, almost as big as the Cullens.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Anything. You know that." His melodic voice was so soothing.

"You know how you said Alice saw me coming?"

"Yeah, that's why she made me choose chemistry. I haven't taken that subject in decades!"

"Did you know what it would lead to?"

Emmett chuckled, his fingers laced with mine. "No, Alice wasn't even sure what our relationship would lead to, only that you would change my life. With Alice, you just do as she says and things normally fall into place. But she knew I've been alone for too long." I snugged closer to him and we watched the rest of the game.

An hour later, after the Penguins took the victory, there was a knock at the door.

Emmett smiled, "It's my bachelor party." Jasper and Edward came in, also grinning. He got to his feet in one fluid movement and had his shoes on in another.

"What do vampires do for bachelor parties?" I asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Hunting. Hopefully we can bag a couple of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary brother's night out," Jasper replied. Emmett gave a friendly punch at Edward who dodged it easily, his thoughts always gave him away.

I reached over to Emmett, pulling him towards me. I clutched him closer for one second and then released him.

"Have fun. Be safe," I said. Even though he was virtually indestructible, I felt a wave of protectiveness flow through me and I knew he felt the same.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, "I love you," and then the 3 of them swiftly ran out the connecting garden door.

I went upstairs to find Esme and Alice. Alice was happily piecing together some lengths of bridal netting and satin on her sewing machine in the dining room. Esme was on her laptop looking at blueprints. I couldn't tell exactly what she was working on.

"Hello," I greeted them. "How are things going with the preparations?"

"Oh, Eleanor, it's going to be a beautiful wedding. I'm so excited for you and Emmett!" Esme exclaimed. I smiled back, even though this wasn't my idea of a picture perfect wedding, it wasn't too far off. All I wanted was Emmett.

"Should we do something together, since the boys are hunting and Carlisle's at the hospital?" Alice asked, as she switched off the sewing machine and examined her handicraft.

"Can we just talk? I feel like I never get to see you guys," I suggested. With being in Hanover on weekdays and spending the majority of time with Edward on the weekends, I felt like Esme and I hadn't properly spoken in forever. Over the last year, Esme has become more like a mother figure to me. It was bittersweet. Everything about her reminded me of my mom; her compassion, nurturing nature, willingness to put others above herself.

It was only last week when I finally succumbed to my temptation of checking up on my parents. With the hacking skills I had learnt over the past couple of months, as well as scrolling through their Facebook pages, I found out they were no longer living in Oakridge. They moved to Boulder, Colorado, were dad got promoted to chief surgeon at the University of Colorado Hospital. Mom had a book on the best sellers list. I was happy to see they moved on, both physically and emotionally. Secretly I was dreading the day when I would need to move on but I desperately tried to push that thought out of my mind.

"I want to thank you," Esme said, her sweet voice filling the room.

"Me? Why?" I almost stuttered.

"Emmett has always been cheerful, bringing us light and laughter when we need it. And you fill him with happiness, I can feel it radiating around the two of you. I'm happy he is finally truely happy." If I could cry, I would. Esme's arms reached out and hugged me tightly, her arms as shields of love, a hug so warm that it could only be a motherly embrace. She may have not been my birth mother, but she was definitely my mom.

Our conversation drifted into many topics throughout the night. Alice and Esme were truely my family. I was extremely grateful to have them in my life. I couldn't have asked for two better females to guide me in my new life.

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