[34- London]

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"Our layover in New York is 3 hours and then we arrive in Heathrow late at night," Alice informed me as we left the plane and went into the terminal. I noticed people were staring at us, their eyes trailing our silhouettes. I saw a woman elbow someone that was looking in our direction, most likely her husband. We stood out. The grey cashmere sweater dress Alice forced me to wear did all but hide my figure. It was hardly appropriate to wear out, let alone in an airport, but that was her idea of suitable attire. She dressed similarly, a skin tight navy dress and silver heels. I wanted nothing more than to retreat in a comfy pair of sweatpants but Alice would probably kill me.

"How are you so calm? Everyone looking at us?" I anxiously whispered.

"Can you blame them? You're gorgeous," she said with a wink.

I followed Alice to the expansive airport lounge, a perk of flying first class. Attendants graciously offered us food that looked like it was meant to be in a restaurant. They had everything from individual lemon tarts to caviar topped poached eggs. My human self would have gone crazy and devoured everything. Now as a vampire, none of it was appetising. When I was still human, I remembered Emmett described eating human food as eating dirt.

Alice found a secluded spot in the corner of the lounge. She pulled out her laptop, her fingers dancing at an inhuman speed over the keys.

With my enhanced hearing, I could hear the mellifluous music from one of the passenger's headphones who was sitting across the lounge. The constant tinkle of sculptured water features and other ambient sounds that I tried not to pay attention to, were punctuated periodically by the sound of a airplane taking off or landing on the tarmac outside. I started reading one of the books I had selected from the relatively large collection that the lounge offered.

"I almost forgot," Alice trilled as she reached into her black Saint Laurent handbag, retrieving a white box. I rolled my eyes when I saw the familiar apple logo.

"Just in case you need to contact someone." I shook my head incredulously, a brick phone could have sufficed.

The flight to London was long but comfortable in the wide first class seats. I could understand how someone could get use to this indulgent lifestyle.

I was thankful when the plane touched down. Between pretending to be asleep and refusing meals from the hospitable flight attendants, I was mentally exhausted. After we collected our luggage, Alice hailed a taxi. The ride to the hotel was incredible. Even though the sun had set, my perfect vision had no problem acknowledging the stunning architecture.

"Have you been to London recently?" I asked.

"20 years ago. Not much has changed," she added with a smile. Trust Alice.

The car stopped, someone opened my door.

"Welcome to the Four Seasons Hotel London," the voice said as he helped me out, not that I needed it. The foyer was breathtaking; high ceilings, marble floors, exquisite glass chandeliers that threw off 8 color rainbows.

Of course Alice booked us one of the largest rooms in the hotel, complete with enough beds for an entire family, not that we even needed to sleep. The room overlooked Park Garden, one of the more expensive parts of the city.

I started unpacking, scrupulously hanging and organising my clothes in the massive closet. Alice took the room adjacent to mine.

"Alice, can I come in?" I asked a couple hours after we had arrived. It was late, probably 3 in the morning, not that I was tired.

"Of course." I sat down on her king bed, her pixie face facing mine.

"Can you tell me what happens in the future with Emmett and I?" I had always been interested in her visions, I mean she had to have know at some point what our relationship would lead to. Her eyebrows furrowed, facial expression concentrated for a second before regaining composure.

"The future isn't set, things can change but I'm certain that you will be together. Why?"

"Well, he's amazing but I've never been in a relationship this serious before and I'm worried that I'm going to screw something up." She chuckled, her bell like laugh echoing through the suite.

"Honestly Eleanor, you're so naive. Emmett hasn't been in a serious relationship either. I've never seen him this happy. Of course he was happy before, but now he never stops smiling. Through every transition our family has been through, he was always the one who kept our spirits up. I'm so glad he found you and I bet he is as well." Alice's words warmed my chest.

I bent over, wrapping my arms tightly around her tiny body, "Thank you, for everything." I pulled back, "Really I mean it. Everyone has sacrificed so much for me and I appreciate it."

"Of course, you're part of the family and family means sticking together, no matter what."

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