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(Harry POV)

I lay shirts, jeans, shoes all over my bed. I had to look good for Taylor today.

I held up a white polo shirt and black jeans to my body. ''Lou? Do I look good? What about my outfit?''

''Yeah yeah hazza you look fine.'' He wasnt even looking at me! He was too busy doing something on his phone.

I walked up to him and snatched the phone put his hand.

''Hey what was that for?'' ''You get your phone back, after you help me chose something to wear!'' He sighed ''Just throw on some clothes on and call it a day!!"

''Its not that simple Lou. I need to look very presentable for Taylor and Ema..''

'hazza? Quick question. How does it feel to be a father?'' I had to think about it... I really didnt have a feeling. I guess i will when I first see her.

''ummm... It doesnt feel any way. I just feel like I have something more to live for, something to wake up every morning for..''

''Well, thats boringggggggggggggggg.'' ''Shut up Lou. Ill proabaly feel some way after I first see her.''

''I heard she has your eyes, hair and smile.'' I started smiling. I wonder if she really does.

''Okay Lou. This outfit with these shoes or this outfit with those shoes. Pick''

''Ummmm... the second outfit. It shows your there for business but not to much business.''


I got dress and shuffled my hair with my hands. ''Looking good Harry. But you'll look so much better once you clean up the living room! It looks like a pig sty.''

I looked at my phone. It was 9:36 and they boys were already up.

Im suprised.

They usually woke up around 2 or 3 in the afternoon if we had nothing to do. Mostly Niall.

All 5 of us scattered arounf the hotel room trying to get the place organized and their self cleand up. I dont know why though.

They werent staying out here when Taylor comes. After all the ripping and running the boys and I finally finished what we had to do. We all sat down in the living room and sat there. Quietly. I checked my watch and it was 9:58.

''She should be here any moment now.''

(Rashons POV)

Taylor was on to me.

Maybe becuase that little bitch Ema said something to her.


I walked to where Ema was playing with her toys and she looked up at me.

She slightly moved back and had fright in her eyes. ''Shhhh Ema. I will never hurt you. Now what did you say to your mama?''

She didnt respond so I was getting mad now.

''EMA KEITH STYLES! ANSWER ME!'' '' I I I did na say notin. I pomise.''

I pulled her too me and she tensed up.... I moved her hair back by her ear and whipser something in her ear.

''Lets go to the bed and do something. And if you tell your mama what we did, SHE WILL HATE YOU forever and leave you! You will never see her again. Is that clear?'' She just nooded.

''Pweese dont hurt me. I sowwy''

''Sorrys not enough this time sweetheart.''

(Taylors POV)

I just sit in my car outside of Harrys hotel building. I didnt have the strength to get out and go in the hotel.

It was just too much. I dont know what I was thinking agreeing to this.


I leaned my head against the stirring wheel and thought to myslef.

Should I go in and see Harry? Face to face? Or should I just leave and forget about seeing harry. Louis. All of them.

My mind was telling me to leave and dont look back , but then my heart was telling me to go in and settle this. Once and for all.

I decided to follow my heart.

I walked out the car and into the front lobby where so many paps were just waiting. I guess for the boys.

I headed to the front desk and saw a young man working on the computer. I cleared my thoart to get his attention.

''Welcome to the Marriot. How may I help you today?''

''Im not here to rent a room. Im here to see someone actaully.''

''And who is that if I may ask?''

''Harry Styles.'' I saw hi typing something into the computer. ''And your name is...?''

''Taylor Keith.''

'oh yes. Mr.Styles is expecting you. Hes in room 232.''

We said our goodbyes and I headed off to the room.

My heart starting beating super fast. Just in less than 5 minutes im going too see my ex that I havent seen in about 3 years.

I was panicking and the stupid elevator music wasn't helping at all.

The elevator soon stopped on the second floor. Here we go...

I walked down the hall and started looking for room 232.

''224, 226, 228, 230, 332.... Ahh here we are.''

I take a deep breath and knock on the door 3 times. I waited.

I looked down at my ouTfit and looked... Good but I was really nervous, sweating like no tommrorrow and my heart racing at undescribeable speeds...

I heard someone unlock the lock on the door. The door opened.

I was face to face with a green eyed , beautiful boy standing right in front of me.

I couldnt belive my eyes. This was unbeliveable...

It was silent. Not awkward , we were just both admiring each others presence.

Then he spoke up. ''come on in''

Damn I missed that gorgeous British accent of his. Then I came to my relization why I was here.

Here we go.....


like? It was good right? comment tell me what you think. What is wrong with Rashon? How could he do that to poor ema? VOTE! THX i love my readers :xxx

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